Life Swap

Life Swap by Jane Green

Book: Life Swap by Jane Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Green
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fundraiser of the year (which it is), it’s caused many a near-nervous breakdown amongst women planning their wardrobes.
    Amber didn’t even bother with Rakers this year. She didn’t want anyone to have seen her outfit. It was straight into Bergdorfs for Amber, and straight upstairs for a delicate, feathered, Oscar de la Renta cocktail dress which Amber had already earmarked in last month’s Vogue .
    Months had been spent planning the gala. Local businesses had been approached to make donations tothe silent auction, and anyone with connections was asked to try and finagle something special.
    Highfield being Highfield, amongst the items being offered this year were a week on Necker island, travelling back and forth in Virgin Upper Class, a guest cameo appearance on Will and Grace , and the opportunity to work as a roadie on Maroon 5’s upcoming tour (this was the pièce de résistance, the husband of one of the women on the committee having a best friend who was a music promoter, and would prove to be hotly bidded for by parents of hip teenage girls with crushes on the lead singer).
    Amber herself had gone to Uncle Bobby – Robert Winslow III, the only member of the Winslow family, other than Richard, who still has money, even though it is self-made – and requested he donate some time on his yacht. Naturally he had complied, and Amber was thrilled to have a page donated to a free sail around the Hamptons for a long weekend this summer, donated by Amber and Richard Winslow.
    Let Suzy put that in her pipe and smoke it.
    Suzy and her husband had donated a case of rare wine. She had talked for months about their house in the Bahamas, and how they were going to donate that, but in the event it seemed that it had suffered damage during the recent hurricanes, and she was so upset but it wouldn’t be ready in time.
    In truth, the damage suffered consisted of two missing roof tiles, but Suzy was no fool. She wanted her friends to know they had a place in the Bahamas, shejust didn’t want them to know it was a minuscule one-bedroom condo that was on the wrong side of the tracks, and a twenty-minute drive to the beach.
    ‘What are you two talking about?’ Suzy approaches with an approximation of a gracious smile and sits down with Amber and Deborah.
    ‘We were just talking about what we’re going to wear to the gala,’ Deborah smiles innocently. ‘What about you, do you have your outfit?’
    ‘Oh yes,’ Suzy nods. ‘I picked up this adorable little dress the last time I was in the city.’ The city. Codespeak for expensive. ‘I was just looking at Dolce & Gabbana and I really didn’t think I’d find anything, and it’s so expensive, but then I fell in love and I tried it on, and I just had to have it. My husband went crazy, so I don’t think I’m going to be allowed to buy anything else for the rest of the season!’ She trills with laughter, pretending to poke fun at herself. ‘How about you, Amber?’ she says. ‘Do you have your outfit?’ Deborah grins to herself, knowing that Suzy would never bother asking her, Deborah being no competition whatsoever.
    ‘Yes,’ Amber smiles. ‘I’ve got a lovely dress.’
    ‘Oh?’ Suzy waits for more information. There’s none forthcoming. ‘From Rakers?’
    ‘No.’ Amber shakes her head with a smile and decides to leave her hanging. There’s an awkward silence which Amber is tempted to fill, but she decides not to.
    ‘Well I’m sure you’ll look beautiful,’ Suzy says eventually. ‘Oh and by the way, thank you again for that yachttrip, I think that’s going to be a big winner at the auction. We had a last-minute addition this week, did you hear about Amberley Jacks?’
    ‘Well we got so lucky. I managed to get them to donate a full house makeover. Obviously whoever wins will have to pay for the furniture, but they’re donating their time for free. Isn’t that extraordinary? I was so lucky to even get hold of them, apparently they don’t even

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