Life Begins
men. Men
should not be so set in their ways that they are above the
influence of a woman. Although there are examples of men listening
to women when they shouldn't have, there are examples of women
giving good advice. And if you look at it, even men were able to
change the mind of God. Abraham and Moses were able to go to God
and get him to change his mind.
    And I know that this is going to make some
modern Christians mad, but I am violently against the teaching
about the story of Onan being about masturbation. People take the
part where it says that Onan sinned because his seed fell on the
ground and making this mean that masturbation is wrong. I'm sorry,
but Onan was supposed to have sex with the woman and get her
pregnant. Instead, he entered the woman and pulled out before she
could get his seed to become pregnant. He violated the woman and
didn't give her his seed to accomplish the purpose of them having
sex. This violates that second category of God's Laws. It was a sin
of man against man. People do not want to see it this way because
it is easier to preach against masturbation than to say that you
can't sin against a woman. (This is not an endorsement of
    God values women. They represent to Him what
mankind should be to Him. That is why Christine is my Israel. She
is my chosen one. She is the thing that I love most and desire to
love me completely.
    Our relationship has never been perfect. There
have been times when she has gone after other men just like when
Israel went after other gods. There have been times when I would
pray things like "If you would just return to me, I will make
everything right between us."
    I could not read the prophets and not see a
correlation between how God longed for His people to turn to Him
fully with their hearts and what I longed for from Christine. The
difference is that Christine and I have finally reconciled all of
our history. We have gotten together in a way that God still has
not been able to with Israel. That doesn't mean that He won't. The
age of the Gentiles is coming to an end. The time of the Jews is at
hand. The Jews will see Yahweh and recognize Him as their love. It
will be just like how Christine and I got together. He will become
the most important thing in their lives.
    Although I believe in Jesus, I have a problem
with the majority of Christianity. They think that they are
special. Salvation was just opened up to them through Jesus. They
are still not God's chosen people. They never can be. It doesn't
mean that Yahweh doesn't love them. But they can never be His one
true love.
    When it says “Israel”, it means Israel. It
doesn’t mean the United States, the West, or Christianity. His
promises were to Israel. They will be fulfilled. Nobody can steal
those promises.
    There will be no peace in the Middle East
until the love story that was started with Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob has been completed. Some may have missed His blood sacrifice
through Jesus, but they won’t be able to miss His
    Satan has tried a great many things throughout
history to destroy a love and a promise. You do not come between a
man and the woman he loves. Love conquers all.
    Jack explained this to me as if he
becomes famous, the world will be exposed to him and love him. He
will give his love to his fans and give them his best just like God
does. But his fans will never be his chosen one. They can never
take my place in his heart.
    I still don't like being called
"Israel." I like what he was going for, though.
    For me, this makes perfect sense
for somebody like Jack. I think he has a great desire to be loved.
He has a need for it that is not normal. He needs the world to love
him like God has the need for it. That is why he wants to
    There is a part of him that I
think wants to be a god. He has always called himself, "The Prince
of Puns, the Titan of Titters, the Master of Mirth, Lord of
Laughter, and King of Comedy." That is a great ego that needs to be

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