Library of Unrequited Love

Library of Unrequited Love by Sophie Divry

Book: Library of Unrequited Love by Sophie Divry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Divry
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WAKE UP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING LYING THERE? The library doesn’t open for another two hours, you shouldn’t be here at all. If it isn’t the limit! Now they’ve started locking readers into my basement. Honestly, there’s no end to what I have to put up with. No, no point shouting, it’s not
fault … But I know who
are, you know your way round the library. You mooch about this place all day, so sooner or later you were bound to end up spending the night here. No, don’t go away, now you’re here, you can give me a hand. I’m looking for a book they want upstairs.
Existentialism Is a Humanism
, you know, book by Sartre, they’ve somehow lost it down here, so take a look on the shelves, please. What? You don’t recognize me? But I work in this room every day. So I must be completely unnoticeable.Nobody sees me, that’s my problem. Even in the street, people bump into me and say, “Oh, sorry, didn’t see you.” The invisible woman, that’s who I am, the invisible woman, the one in charge of the Geography section. Ah, yes, now you’ve remembered who I am, of course. Oh there it is, thanks very much, that was quick of you.
Existentialism Is a Humanism
has no business down here in my basement, we don’t have philosophy on this level. It suits the eggheads on the ground floor. I’ll give it back to them, they’ll be pleased, they’ve been looking for it for ages up there. See, you really are a big help. Anyway, I’m not allowed to open the doors for you, it would mean calling the security people, it’s too dangerous. Yes, it is, it’s dangerous, because it would be unprecedented, first time ever. And in a library, one should never draw attention to oneself. If you attract attention, you’ll disturb people. You can just stay here with me, while I get my reading room ready. I’ve more books to shelve. And since you’re so efficient, can you take out of the History section all the geography books that readers have shoved in there? Go on, don’t complain: sorting, rearranging,not disturbing people, that’s what I do all day long. Taking books off shelves and putting them back on, over and over, ad infinitum. No, it’s not that fascinating, sorry about that. Because to put a book back in the right place, I don’t even have to look at the author’s name. I just have to read the numbers here, on this little label stuck on the spine, and slip it in with the others that have the same shelfmark. There, you see, that’s all. And I’ve been doing this job for twenty-five years now, twenty-five years, with the same rules, it never changes. Even if they call me upstairs to the Loans desk, it’s no better. Checking books in and out, making the bar codes go beep-beep, think that’s fulfilling? Beep-beep, “Back on twenty-sixth September, goodbye”; beep-beep, “Back on fourteenth May, thank you”. Being a librarian isn’t an especially high-level job, I can tell you. Pretty close to being in a factory. I’m a cultural assembly line worker. So what you need to know is, to be a librarian, you have to like the idea of classification, and to be of a docile nature. No initiative, no room for the unexpected; here, everything is in its place, invariably in its place. Did yousleep well, at least, down here? No? You were scared? Oh, but it’s very quiet. I like the peace and quiet, I find it reassuring. But that’s how I am, I need precision and routine. I could never work in a railway station: too much going on and the very idea that a train was going to be late would give me a panic attack. Anyway, I never take the train nowadays, I’m too old for that. I don’t drive either, it’s too dangerous and I hate car parks, I like old-fashioned beauty. Just the very idea of getting on the slip road to a motorway gives me palpitations. Don’t stay standing up like

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