Lethal Seduction

Lethal Seduction by Jackie Collins

Book: Lethal Seduction by Jackie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
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anyone you’re seeing,” Venice said. “I’ve told you before—if this woman makes you happy, that’s all that matters to me.”
    Eddie—a nondescript-looking man—hovered in the background. Chas shook his son-in-law’s hand, and they all entered the living room, where Varoomba, rechristened Alice for the night, waited to greet them.
    Chas threw a critical eye on her. She’d managed to squash her huge boobs into a high-necked orange dress. If she were smart, she would have chosen black, because, to his annoyance, he could spot her nipples straining the orange material.
    At least she’d toned down the makeup. However, in no way, shape or form did she resemble a nurse. She looked like she was about to appear on the Howard Stern TV show and strip off for one of his bizarre evaluations.
    â€œThis is my kid Venice,” Chas said.
    â€œVenice,” Varoomba repeated in her high, squeaky voice, which irritated Chas now that he had to listen to it. In bed he was able to tell her to shut up, and she did. In his living room he had no such luck.
    â€œHi,” Venice said. “What a pretty dress. That color suits you.”
    This immediately put Varoomba at ease. She winked at Chas as if to say, “See, I’ve already charmed one of your daughters.”
    Rosarita, completely lacking the ability to be on time, arrived twenty minutes later. She marched into her father’s house, Dexter behind her, his parents trailing after him.
    â€œMr. Vincent,” Martha gushed, pushing her way in front of everyone. “What a magnificent home you have. I’ve never been in a town house in New York before. This is such a treat!”
    Oh, for God’s sake, calm down, Rosarita thought.
    â€œThanks,” Chas said, gesturing to an overstuffed couch. “Make yourself comfortable. Name your poison.”
    Rosarita stopped short when she saw her sister. She and Venice were not the best of friends. Rosarita did not care for competition of any kind, and as far as she was concerned, Venice competed for their father’s attention—not to mention his money. And it particularly infuriated her that Venice had two brawling brats who would probably inherit plenty.
    â€œHello,” she said coolly. “Nobody mentioned you were coming.”
    Venice was never quite sure why her sister was so hostile toward her, but over the years she’d learned to accept it. Eddie had taught her patience. “She’s probably unhappy about something,” he’d told his wife when she got upset. “Try to be nice and refuse to let her affect you.”
    So that’s exactly what Venice did. She smiled at her sister and greeted Dexter with a big hug. To Rosarita’s constant irritation they got along exceptionally well—not that they saw each other much, but when they did it was as if they were on exactly the same wavelength.
    â€œHow are you?” Dexter said, patting her on the shoulder.
    â€œFine,” Venice replied.
    â€œAnd the kids? We haven’t seen them lately.”
    â€œYou’re always welcome to drop by any time.”
    â€œI know,” he said. “Thing is I’ve been so busy working on my soap that I never have time to do anything.”
    â€œI’ve watched the show; you’re terrific in it,” Venice said.
    â€œYou think so?” he said, pleased.
    â€œIt would be dull without you. Although I must say the character Silver Anderson plays is quite something.”
    Privately, Dexter often thought he’d married the wrong sister. Venice was the caring, sweet one. A stranger would never believe that she and Rosarita came from the same parents.
    While Rosarita was busy checking out Varoomba, Venice was making sure that Matt and Martha Cockranger were made to feel totally comfortable.
    â€œWhat a gorgeous scarf!” she said to Martha.
    â€œYes, isn’t it lovely?” Martha said, beaming.

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