
Legacy by Jayne Olorunda

Book: Legacy by Jayne Olorunda Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Olorunda
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of her pregnancy that they would allow her to continue. She had worked hard to qualify and loved her job, she had planned a career and times were changing. She could see no reason why having a child should interrupt anyone’s career.
    Max wanted Gabrielle to give up work, yet she stalwartly refused. She had a profession and would not see it end because of a child. She would certainly reduce her hours but she would not stop nursing. Anyway she would only ever have the one child; Max’s dream would stay just that, as in future Gabrielle would be even more meticulous with contraception.
    The pregnancy flew in and before she knew it her slim figure was obscured by her bulging stomach. None of her usual clothes fitted and for anyone she hadn’t yet told it wouldn’t be hard for them to guess her predicament.
    When she was seven months gone, she was finishing up a shift after a long day on the ward, preparing her report for the handover. Pregnancy was taking its toll and weariness was sweeping through her bones. She rubbed her face and concentrated on staying awake. The cleaner who came daily at this time, emptied the bin and as usual ignored her. This cleaner had once been an affable, chatty woman but over the course of time she became more and more distant. She would slam Gabrielle’s bin on the ground after emptying it and bang the door on her way out of the office. Gabrielle only saw her at the end of her shifts so she wasn’t overly concerned with the woman’s obvious dislike. This particular day rather than make her customary hasty retreat, the cleaner seemed to hover in the office. Gabrielle looked up, curious as to what the woman was doing. She was staring at her. Smiling at her unsurely, Gabrielle put her head back down and continued with her report,
    â€œHow dare you,” the cleaner hissed,
    â€œPardon?” Gabrielle asked, utterly bemused.
    â€œHow dare you bring another black bastard into the world,” she sneered.
    Obviously feeling she had made her point, she lifted her bin bag and made to leave. This time she achieved the impossible and slammed the door with even more aplomb than ever before.
    Gabrielle was shaken to the core. Revolted, she ran from the office and made it just in time to the bathroom, where she wretched and wretched. The cause of the cleaners growing dislike was now clear.
    A colleague found her and between tears Gabrielle recounted the incident to her. She repeated over and over,
    â€œIt’s just a baby, how can people hate it?”
    In the hours immediately after, Gabrielle was shaken by a growing sense of unease, what kind of a world was she bringing her child into. Fear for her unborn child permeated her terrified mind; she would have to be more than a mother. She would have to become a protector too, shielding this child from the hatred that this world was obviously infested with.
    When Max returned home from work, she had composed herself. She didn’t mention the incident, deciding that he did not need be hurt too. There was nothing to be gained by letting that woman’s spiteful remarks upset him as well. In a sense Gabrielle became not only the protector of her child, but also her husband. If this was to be her new role then she would step up to the mark, for it was a small price to pay for the privilege of having her beloved family.
    When Gabrielle returned to work the following day, the cleaner was not there. It didn’t matter though, the damage was done. Yet the woman had instigated the realisation, acceptance even of her new role for that at least she was grateful.

Chapter Nineteen
    After months of searching Gabrielle and Max found their first home. It wasn’t quite on the Malone Road, but it was situated in a pleasant residential area not far off it. It was in a development of handsome semi-detached houses with gardens front and rear and lots of young families. It was perfect and exactly what they had envisaged. When the last

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