Learning to Trust: Sweet Temptation

Learning to Trust: Sweet Temptation by B. B. Roman

Book: Learning to Trust: Sweet Temptation by B. B. Roman Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. B. Roman
mouth on her clit. He was torturing
her. On purpose. The devilish smirk on his face told her he was pushing her.
Kane was trying to make her cry out from the overwhelming pleasure, and she
feared that if he kept it up, he would get his way.
she whispered, trying to keep her voice low so as not to alert those around her
to what was happening, but Lucie had a damn hard time holding back.
was unable to hold back the moan that escaped as he suckled her clit harder,
using his tongue to apply just the right amount of pressure to have her... shattering.
was no way that she hadn’t been heard that time, but Lucie no longer cared as
her body splintered into a million pieces, right there on the balcony for
everyone to see and hear.

Chapter Ten
    *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***
stood to his full height, pulling Lucie against him as her body trembled from
her orgasm. He couldn’t help but smile as he held her close. Lifting her into
his arms, he carried her back inside, heaving the sliding glass door closed.
That was all the show their neighbors would be getting tonight. The rest was
just for him.
the time they reached the bed, Lucie was pulling away from him, and the
mischievous smirk told him she was coming up with a devious plan. “What?”
know that little saying... turnabout is fair play?” she asked, a gleam in her
chocolate brown eyes.
nodded, pulling her up against him once more, cupping her ass with his hands
and grinding his steel hard erection against her core.
thinking you should have to stand outside while I use my mouth on you,” she
whispered, her eyes fluttering closed as he continued to grind against her,
making sure to rub his cock over her clit.
we can go down to the beach for all I care. I’ve got no shame. I’ll let you
suck my cock anytime you want.” It was no less than the truth. Kane didn’t care
who watched.
    The understanding
in her eyes made him smile. He liked that she didn’t seem turned off by the
idea. As far as Kane was concerned, there’d be plenty more public encounters
like that in their future. But for now, he needed to be inside of her.
her long hair around his fist, Kane pulled her head back so he could look down
into her eyes. “Did you like what I did to you?”
nodded, but he knew she needed a little more clarification of what exactly he
you enjoy feeling my tongue in your ass?”
innocent gaze turned molten as she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth.
me, Lucie. Did you like when I played with your ass?”
she whispered, her body reacting as she began rocking her hips against his,
grinding her clit along the length of his cock.
want to fuck your ass,” he told her, never breaking the eye contact. “Have you
ever had your ass fucked, baby?”
    Her response
was immediate, and he saw the hesitation flash through her beautiful eyes.
    “I need
to fuck your ass, baby. Right now.” Kane wasn’t sure why he needed to take her
in such an aggressive, primal way, but he needed it more than his next breath.
Maybe because he needed her to trust him and by allowing him to take her that
way, she would have to. If she said no, he wouldn’t push her, and within
seconds he’d be buried deep in her pussy.
hoped she didn’t say no.
sensed that she didn’t know what to say, so he chose to give her two options.
“I want you to move over to the bed and lay down. It’s up to you now as to how
this plays out. I want to fuck your ass, but I’ll take anything you’re willing
to give me, baby. It’s up to you.”
continued to look up at him as though she needed more encouragement. Kane
leaned forward, tilting her head by pulling on her hair so he had better access
to her neck. Placing biting kisses along her jaw, he continued until his mouth
was level with her ear. “Lie on your stomach if you want me to fuck your ass.

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