Learning To Fly (Fated Love Book 1)

Learning To Fly (Fated Love Book 1) by Lauren Firminger

Book: Learning To Fly (Fated Love Book 1) by Lauren Firminger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Firminger
Young and girlfriend Maddison Lee announced their engagement via social media today. Sources close to the couple say that’s not the only news coming from the Young camp. Our source revealed that Maddison is expecting their first child—due mid-July. This comes after only four months of dating. Our source also revealed that the engagement and pregnancy are last attempts in holding the failing relationship together. Are things really as good as the pair are leading us to believe?

    I snorted, and Maddie looked over her shoulder at me. I showed her the article. She rolled her eyes and handed back my phone. “Find out who the source is, and get rid of them.”  

    “Lucas is on it, darlin’.”  

    She nodded and wrapped my arms tighter around her. It was a comfort thing she did. “Babe? The only people who knew about the due dates were us, the doc, and Uncle Michael…”  

    “Doc wouldn’t say anything. It wouldn’t be worth the lawsuit for breach of privacy, and we have been together all day, so unless someone was on that balcony with us....”  

    “It was Uncle Michael.” She sighed as she picked up her phone and sent him a text message asking if he’d said anything to anyone.  

    I sent a message back to Lucas asking him to look into Michael for me. Something just wasn’t sitting right with me. I knew he wasn’t my biggest fan, but would he really go this far? I knew I was jumping to conclusions, but this was gonna kill Maddie if he had said anything. Putting my phone back down, I wrapped my arms back around her and pressed my lips to her neck. I felt her instantly start to relax and melt into me. “All that matters right now, darlin’, is you and me. Let’s lay here and let the world disappear.”  

    “Using your song lyrics as lines now, baby?” I couldn’t help but chuckle.  

    “Good to know you pay attention, darlin’.”  

    “To you? Of course!”

    Maddie rolled over to face me, and I loosened my arms just enough so she could. I pressed my lips to her head, and she closed her eyes. “That’s not really watchin’ a movie, darlin’.”  

    “I don’t care about a movie when I have my sex on legs fiancé wrapped around me. I’m letting the world disappear.”  

    Sliding my hands beneath her shirt, I let my fingers move lightly over her skin. It was moments like this that I wished I could share with the world, but I was so glad not to at the same time. In this moment, I was just Morgan and she was Maddie. I wasn’t some big country music star. I was just hers.  

    Reaching carefully for my phone, I switched it to silent and took a photo of her and me like this. Opening my Instagram, I put the caption ‘Perfect moments with my perfect girl. Letting the world disappear. #FamilyTime #PapaBear #MamaBear #EngagedLife #WouldntHaveItAnyOtherWay.’ I tagged her in it and hit post before putting the phone down.  

    “Morgan? Did you just tell everyone I was pregnant?”  

    “In a way.” She pulled back and held her hand out to me. Handing her my phone, I showed her the post. “You mad, darlin’?” She shook her head and smiled before kissing me softly and handing back my phone.  

    “No, baby. That was really cute.” I grinned and kissed her nose before she put her head back against my chest. Right now, with my girl safe in my arms and our boys keeping watch, nothing could beat this moment. Right now, in this moment, my life was perfect.  

    A couple of hours later, we were both showered and ready to leave. Maddie was coming to the show with me. Her and the boys would hang out backstage. I had spoken to the label about everything that had come out today and they understood she wouldn’t be taking photos from the front now. They also said if she wanted to, she could do backstage shots or just relax and enjoy herself. She still hadn’t heard anything from Michael, and she didn’t know where he was to leave a message with someone when he didn’t answer her calls. The

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