Learning Me (Lightworker Trilogy #1)

Learning Me (Lightworker Trilogy #1) by Jamie White

Book: Learning Me (Lightworker Trilogy #1) by Jamie White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie White
question was how to find her birth parents. She had nothing but a first name for herself and her mother, which was next to nothing. For all she knew, her birthday wasn’t even her real one. The thought caused a wave of sadness to wash over her.
    “Stop it,” she muttered to herself as she made her way out of the park. “You will figure this out.” Courtney pulled her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her contacts until Sam’s name came up. She pressed dial and waited through a series of rings she thought would never end.
    “Hey, what’s going on?”
    His voice never sounded better to her. She’d been worried he wouldn’t answer, leaving her stuck.
    “I’m glad you finally answered! Can you meet me in a half-hour back at the lot? I’m calling Matthew in a minute to see if he can come too.”
    “Yeah, what’s going on?”
    Courtney checked to make sure no one was nearby before continuing, “My father gave me some more information this morning and I want to see what we can do with it. I really need to talk to you about it in person.”
    “I’ll be there,” he promised. “Do you need me to come get you? Where are you now?”
    “That’d be good. I’m at that old park on Stevenson.”
    “Got it. See you in a little bit.”
    Courtney ended the call, then dialed Matthew. After explaining everything again, she hung up with a smile on her face. They would both be there. Out of impulse, she searched for her cousin’s name as well, but stopped herself from completing the call. Given her attitude before, it might not be a good idea to get her involved.
    “Okay, so what's the latest?”
    The three friends sat on the hood of Sam’s car again. Matthew rested his back against the front windshield, while Courtney sat cross-legged on the passenger side. Sam sat with one leg draped over the side of the car, facing the other two, while Courtney explained what she’d learned from her father earlier that day. After she finished, they both appeared to think over what she’d said.
    “So, he didn’t give you a last name?” Sam looked as though he were still trying to wrap his mind around his girlfriend’s real name.
    “No, but that doesn’t have to mean a dead-end. We can find something, right? Especially with the town name from that note. It’d make sense they were in the same area at the time.”
    “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you were born there,” Matthew pointed out.
    “I know, but it’s all I have to go on right now.” Courtney considered the issue some more before adding, “If they kept what they did, there could be more information hidden in the house—I just have to find it.”
    “And you want us to help search the house,” Matthew concluded.
    “No, if they found out I let you all dig through their stuff they’d flip. I could use some moral support, though. Are you guys up for the challenge?”
    “I don’t know,” Sam said. “This whole thing is freaking me out. What if they’re right and there’s some kind of danger out there? I don’t want you to get yourself hurt or worse. Not that I’m saying I believe their story, exactly, but if they’re lying about it…”
    “I know. They might be dangerous too, but I don’t think so. Come on, they raised me as their own daughter all these years. Do you really think they’d do anything to hurt me?”
    He reached for her hand. “Who knows? I don’t think so, but if they’re hiding something more, you never know. People do crazy things when they need to cover their own asses.”
    Courtney sighed. “Look, one way or another, everything has changed and I can’t pretend that it didn’t. I have to know the truth or I’ll be wondering my whole life.”
    “When you put it that way, I guess I’ll be there,” Sam relented. “You really know how to get under my skin, you know that?”
    She laughed. “Yeah, and you love it. Thanks. Okay, my parents are going out of town overnight on Tuesday for some

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