Lead Me On

Lead Me On by Julie Ortolon

Book: Lead Me On by Julie Ortolon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Ortolon
Tags: Romance
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was a spoiled little rich boy carving notches in his bedpost. And yes, I thought I was in love. Except the boy I loved was an illusion."
    "How long did you date him before you figured that out?"
    "Four months," she answered through gritted teeth, her gray eyes flashing.
    "Have you dated anyone since?"
    "At all?"
    "God, no wonder you were desperate to have sex." He regretted the words the instant they left his mouth. She rose and crossed to the window, staring outside with her arms wrapped about her stomach.
    With a sigh, he rose as well and came up cautiously behind her. "I'm sorry."
    "Why? It's the truth. I'm desperate and pathetic. You're the first man in ten years who has even wanted to take me to bed."
    "I doubt that."
    "It's true." She wiped her cheeks with the sleeve of the robe.
    "No it's not. It's impossible." He laid his hands on her shoulders and felt her stiffen. "You just intimidate men, is all."
    She snorted. "Oh yes, I'm so intimidating."
    "If you only knew." He massaged her shoulders, to help her relax as he remembered first meeting her. The primness of her manner had warned him to keep his distance. Now he knew part of that stiffness came from old hurt, magnified through years of perceived rejection. How ironic that the shield she used to protect herself only compounded her pain. He bent his head to nuzzle her hair. "You're so beautiful, the shy ones probably assume you'd turn them down flat, and you're way too sweet for the selfish bastards of the world. Except me, apparently." He kissed her temple. "Which proves I have even fewer scruples than I thought."
    "You're not that bad."
    "Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I have to disagree." He turned her and gathered her against him. "I had no business bringing you here. You should be dating some nice guy who'll take you on picnics and long walks on the beach, then get down on one knee and beg you to marry him so he can spend the rest of his life giving you babies and making you happy."
    "No!" To his surprise, she buried her face against his chest. "I told you, I don't care about that. I'm just tired of feeling unwanted."
    "Hey, hey." Tipping up her chin, he brushed the tears from her cheek with his thumb. "You are anything but that."
    "Prove it." She looked at him with translucent eyes. "Make me feel wanted."
    An alarm sounded inside his head, warning him he was entering dangerous waters. He should turn back and swim like hell for shore. But he couldn't resist the plea in her eyes. He lowered his head and kissed her lips, wishing he could kiss away whatever demons tormented her. Her arms slipped up around his neck as she molded her body to him.
    Hunger stirred eagerly to life. Last night they'd enjoyed each other with abandon, each glutting their senses in a carnal feast. This time, though, would be for her.
    He swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed, where he laid her down among the rumpled sheets. Tossing his robe aside, he settled beside her. Her own robe parted as he trailed kisses down her neck, over her body. He focused all his attention on pleasing her, on seeking out every sensitive spot that made her gasp and sigh. Her pulse drummed against his lips as she writhed beneath him.
    "Scott," she whispered and reached for him. "I want you. Now."
    "No." He brushed her hands away and continued his path down her stomach. He pressed his lips to the heated skin just below her belly button and felt her muscles quiver. Raising his head, he smiled at her. "I'm going to show you just how desirable you are by doing all the things I've wanted to do since the moment I first saw you."
    He moved his hand down over her belly and between her thighs. Her eyelids went heavy as he teased her heated flesh with slow, bold caresses. "Yes," she whispered, and relaxed her legs, giving him free rein to pleasure her however he wished. And pleasure her he did, oh so beautifully, before giving in to the demands of his body and seeking his own

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