Law and Author

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Authors: Erika Chase
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victim, Rafe Shannon, if we want to figure out why he was here in town, and more importantly, here at Molly’s house.”
    Bob came back into the room and went straight this chair, sat down and crossed his arms. “I’m not so sure I like where this is heading.”
    â€œWhat? The Internet search?” Lizzie asked.
    â€œWhat Internet search? No, I mean Darla’s leaving with her boyfriend. I haven’t had any experience in this granddaddy business, but my gut tells me to do something about it.”
    Molly leaned across and touched his arm. “You know what that would lead to, don’t you? She’s likely to pull away and maybe even leave town. I hate to say it, but you don’t know her well enough to be sticking your nose in her life. I know you have good intentions and she’ll know it, too, soon enough. But it’s still too early on in your relationship. Trust Darla to know what she should be doing. For now, anyway.”
    Bob shook his head. “I feel so useless.”
    Lizzie jumped in. “Then put your investigative skills to work and let’s try figuring out why a corpse was found in Molly’s backyard. Remember, there’s still a tie-in to Darla, so we need to be helping her, too.”
    â€œAll right. That is something I can help with. What do we know about the guy? Has Mark told you anything about him?”
    â€œJust that he’s from Atlanta . . .”
    â€œSame as Darla,” Bob interrupted.
    â€œYes. He’s also got a rap sheet.”
That’ll get a reaction.
    â€œRap sheet? You’ve been watching way too much TV, young lady.” He paused and started laughing. “Okay. He’s known to police. For what?”
    â€œHe’s a tough guy, does dirty work for others, and he also has connections to one of the smaller casinos and some bookies.”
    â€œAn enforcer maybe,” Jacob said.
    â€œYes, Mark did think that. So, why would he come to Ashton Corners?”
    â€œI’ll bet it wasn’t for a vacation,” Stephanie threw in.
    â€œA meeting with someone?” asked Sally-Jo.
    â€œWe know of only one meeting he had and that was with Darla,” Lizzie pointed out.
    Both Molly and Bob looked at her sharply. “I’m sorry but that’s true. So how do we find out if he also met someone else? That mystery person could be the killer.”
    Nobody spoke for a few minutes. Andie nudged Stephanie and pointed at the plate of cheese straws. When she’d chosen one, she munched on it, her eyes cutting from one person to the other. “Maybe my Internet search will turn up some clues.”
    â€œI’ll help you with that,” Stephanie chimed in.
    Bob nodded. “And I’ll start asking around town, try to find out when he arrived and where he stayed. Someone must have seen him. Lizzie, maybe you could sweet talk Mark into telling you if they’ve found out about any local contacts he might have had, as in the unsavory kind.”
    â€œThat’s good,” Jacob said. “An old classmate of mine has a criminal practice in Atlanta. I’ll give him a call tomorrow and see if he knows anything about Rafe Shannon.”
    â€œMolly, you seem to be the closest to Darla,” Lizzie said. “Maybe if she stops by on her own you could sort of nudge some more information about the encounter out of her.”
    Molly sighed. “I don’t think she’s at the confiding point with me. But if the opportunity arises, I will try my best. Now before y’all wrap up and disappear, I need to tell you the title of next month’s book.”
    Lizzie ignored the groaning noise Bob made.
    â€œSome of you will be pleased to hear that it’s not an Agatha Christie novel this time.”
    â€œThree cheers,” said Bob, clapping.
    Molly favored him with an indulgent smile before continuing. “It’s
Queen of Hearts
by Rhys Bowen. I’m not going to

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