Law and Author

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Book: Law and Author by Erika Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erika Chase
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elbow. A matching one but in a variety of colors adorned his left arm. When he finally removed his sunglasses, Lizzie noticed the bushy black eyebrows. She also noted he didn’t smile, not until he saw Darla. Then he produced a sexy smirk. Lizzie hoped Bob hadn’t noticed. It was not a smile for granddads.
    Darla jumped out of her chair and rushed to his side. She slipped her arm through his and pulled him over to Bob. “This is my granddaddy.”
    Bob stood and stuck out his hand. Eventually Wade did the same. Darla gave him a small nudge and he smiled. She then turned him around to face Molly and did the introductions. Lizzie noticed that this time his smile grew wider at the mention of Molly’s name.
    Darla didn’t bother with individual introductions for the rest of them, eliminating them with a wave of the hand and saying they were the book club.
    â€œHave a seat,” Bob demanded. “There’s some awfully good sweets here.”
    Darla pulled Wade over to where she’d been sitting and let him take the chair while she perched on the arm. Molly homed in on them with a tray with two glasses of freshly poured tea. They each took one but nobody said a word.
    Molly looked at Bob and raised her eyebrows. He cleared his throat and asked, “What brings you to town, Wade?”
    He finished chewing and swallowed. “I came to take Darla back home.”
    Molly stopped in her tracks as she passed the sweets along to the others. “Surely, not so soon. Bob and Darla are just getting to know each other.”
    Darla smiled sweetly at Bob and then focused on Molly. “I know. I am so much enjoying getting to know my granddaddy, and you also, Molly. And I want Wade to get to see some of Ashton Corners and all. But we don’t have hardly any money between us to pay for another night in the motel, so we’ll get going tomorrow morning. I guess I need to go crawling back to my mama, tail between my legs, and beg her forgiveness. Although I know I’m not at all in the wrong here.”
    Bob looked stricken. Molly took one look at his face and spoke up. “Why I think you should both move in here with me. I have plenty of space, as you well know. And I think you could probably put up with an old fussbudget like me.” She directed the last comment at Wade.
    Bob looked relieved, although Wade’s face hardened. Darla was beaming, but one look at Wade and she quickly deflated. “Oh, that is so sweet of you, Molly, but Wade doesn’t believe in making a nuisance of ourselves. We reallydo need to stay on our own and not take advantage of your hospitality.” Lizzie thought she’d added that last bit as if remembering lines from a play.
    â€œWell, I’d be happy to pay for your motel for a few more days,” Bob said. “I think it’s the least I can do. That will give you time to sightsee and we’ll also get to spend a bit more time together.”
    Molly looked about to say something but had second thoughts.
    Wade jumped on it right away. “We’ll take it.” Darla nudged him. “Uh, thanks,” he added. He stood and grabbed her by the arm.
    â€œWe’ve really got to get going now,” Darla said. “Thanks for the food.”
    Bob walked them to the door, pulling out his wallet as he did so.
    None of the others said anything for a minute after they left the room, and then Andie spoke up. “That guy gives me the creeps.”
    Molly shushed her. “Don’t let Darla hear you say that. She could come back into the room, you know. I’m glad Bob will have more time with Darla, though. Now shall we get back to talking about books?”
    â€œWe should,” Lizzie agreed, “but could we give some collective thought to the real murder first?”
    Andie’s hand shot up. “Internet search.”
    Lizzie chuckled. “Not a surprise. I guess we should try to get more information about the

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