Lakeside Reunion

Lakeside Reunion by Lisa Jordan

Book: Lakeside Reunion by Lisa Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Jordan
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as it sounds, I want my own space. But don’t you worry, I’ll hire a nurse or something.”
    A flock of geese soared past the window in a V-shaped formation. Freedom. Those geese stayed together. They helped and protected each other.
    With only Rita, Paul and Amanda to take care of things at the inn, she’d have to hire extra help. Keep in touch dailyby phone and email. But she had no choice. Mom needed her. “I’ll be here for you, Mom. I promise. I just need to make some calls.”
    â€œThere’s one more thing.” Mom dropped her gaze to study her ringless left hand.
    After the past thirty-six hours, Lindsey didn’t think she could handle one more thing. She bit back a sigh and returned to the bed. Mom needed to be treated with patience, not like an annoyance. She fingered the cuff of her sweater. “What’s that?”
    â€œYou always do that when you’re uncomfortable.”
    â€œDo what?”
    â€œPlay with the cuffs of whatever blouse or sweater you’re wearing. You’ve done it since you picked out your own clothes.”
    Lindsey pulled her hands away and folded them in her lap. “What’s the one more thing, Mom?”
    â€œI met someone.”
    The three little words slipped out as a whisper, but the excited tone of her mother’s voice sent a ripple through Lindsey. Change was happening. She could get on board or dig in her heels and fight it every step of the way. The choice was hers.
    â€œI prayed, Linds. Daily. To be sure Max was God’s answer to my prayers. To allow me to enjoy life again. He will never take your dad’s place. We’ve talked about it. But my heart is big enough to love another man. And I do love him. Because you’re going to be home, you’ll be seeing a lot of Max.”
    Lindsey wasn’t sure if she should laugh or cry. The sound that burst between her lips was a mixture of both. She cleared her throat. “Listen, Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t come here to pick a fight with you. I wasn’t even going to mention Max until you were home and settled. But I walked in here, saw the roses and I went off. Who you see is none of my business. And if—if he makes you happy—well, then I’m happy for you.”
    â€œI know it makes me very happy.” An unfamiliar male voice spoke from the doorway.
    Lindsey stiffened. The man standing in the doorway was the same one she saw talking with her grandparents yesterday.
    â€œMax.” Mom held out a hand. “Come in and meet my Lindsey.”
    Lindsey pulled her lips into some semblance of a smile. She could do this.
    Max strode into the room, his long legs eating up the distance from the door to the bed with minimal steps. Dressed in loose-fitting khakis and a brown V-neck sweater with sleeves pushed up to the elbows, he looked like a confident man comfortable in his own skin. He smiled and nodded at Lindsey, but his attention quickly shifted to her mother. Stopping on the other side of the bed, he brushed a kiss across her mother’s forehead. “How are you feeling, Gracie?”
    Her mother covered Max’s hand with her own. Her features softened and her eyes brightened. “Tired, cranky, ready to go home.”
    â€œPatience, bella .” A grin revealed white, even teeth. Max’s eyes crinkled in the corners, as if laughing was something he did often.
    Lindsey turned away, suddenly fascinated by the blue-and-yellow-striped wallpaper. Her mother hadn’t looked at anyone like that since her father was alive. And, well, it was a bit unnerving. Change was definitely in the air.
    Mom took Lindsey’s hand and squeezed lightly, almost as if she were begging her to play nice. Lindsey squeezed back letting her know she understood.
    â€œLindsey, this is Max, my…friend. Max, this is my daughter, Lindsey.”
    Max extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lindsey. Your

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