Ladd Haven
was to be a part of
    Entering the stables, Troy cruised down
the center corridor, searching for sight of Delaney as he skimmed
horses in passing. The smell of hay and horse surrounded him,
filling him with a pleasure and comfort he’d missed. Hooked by the
shake of a small black-maned head through a metal grill, his heart
bucked. Was that Vegas?
    Troy hurried over to check out the
foal. His spirit soared at the distinct white star stamped in the
inky black space between his eyes. Black ears perked and big eyes
honed in on him. Excitement bounded as he took in the animal.
“You’re a big one, ain’t ya? Just like I thought you’d be.” He was
strong, sturdy, not spindly like some foals, fully proportioned,
only smaller than a full-grown animal. The horse angled its head as
Troy reached between the bars for a stroke of the solid-muscled
neck, the super-sleek black coat. One ear went forward, the other
drifting back as the horse raised his snout. Troy grinned. “You
remember me, don’t ya?” he asked, more statement than question.
“You remember I helped bring you into this world.”
    The animal gave a soft snort, clearly
enjoying the attention. Troy laughed, warm pleasure spreading
through him. “They treatin’ you all right around here?” He examined
the animal from head to toe, noting the shiny hair, the intelligent
black eyes. Vegas was relaxed but alert. Troy definitely thought he
had a mark of intelligence about him. “You sure do look good.
You’re gonna grow up to be a big one. Real strong,” he said softly.
“Fast too, by the looks of those legs of yours.”
    “ I see you’ve met our star
    Troy whirled, yanking his hand from
between the bars. “Hey, Miss Delaney.”
    She was dressed as usual in ratty
low-waisted jeans and tank top, her boots muddied by her active
lifestyle, her blonde hair long and loose down her back. A few
strands framed her sun-tanned face, her brown eyes gazing at him
with a fondness he remembered well. “Vegas seems to have taken a
liking to you.”
    Slightly embarrassed at being caught
loving on the animal, Troy replied, “This here’s the one I was
telling you about. The one I helped deliver over at the Foster
    She nodded. “Looks like he remembers
    Gratification swept through him.
“Maybe.” Casting a glance over his shoulder he said, “He’s a smart
one. Gonna make you a real fine stallion one day.”
    “ All he needs is the perfect
    Hope bounded. “I sure could teach him a
thing or two.”
    “ I’ll bet you
    The sentiment was more observation than
encouragement and gave him pause. Troy focused on Delaney’s eyes,
searching for the reassurance he so desperately yearned for yet
finding a reticence instead. “Everything all right?” he asked as
casually as he could. “You seem a little down.”
    A faint smile crossed her lips. “You’ve
known me a long time, haven’t you?”
    “ Yes, ma’am,” he replied,
grateful to realize this might not be about him but about
    “ It’s Felicity.”
    Concern jabbed at him. “She
    “ Yes. She’s going to the
Fosters to meet the family.”
    Foreboding erased all question. She
didn’t have to say another word. Troy knew the history. Felicity
didn’t have a relationship with her grandparents on her daddy’s
side. They were kin, lived in the same town, but as remote as
family could get. Growing up, Felicity never talked about them
much. Maybe she said more to Travis than him, but it was understood
by the three of them to be a taboo subject. Jack Foster and his
family weren’t on the list of conversation. Not until Casey’s momma
began dating Cal did they even dare mention the family. When Miss
Delaney began puttin’ Casey and Felicity together, Troy understood
it was only a matter of time before the Fosters could no longer be
ignored. But Felicity was harboring thoughts of getting to know
them better? “What for?”
    Delaney’s mouth

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