Ladd Haven
was lying in
bed alone. One of the reasons it especially hurt to be away from
Casey for so many months. When they were living together in
Murfreesboro, his thinking had been easy and free. He could speak
openly about what he thought, listen to her opinion on how she saw
things. Longing pulled at him. Casey was smart. She could see
things he couldn’t, hear things he didn’t know he was saying.
Shaking the emotion, he said, “Saw a black bear back a while
    “ Did you?”
    “ Sure did. A real fine sized
one out for an early morning stroll like you.”
    Cal smiled. “Guess I’m not the only one
out poking around at this hour.” He fixed his gaze on Troy,
familiar brown eyes warming. “How are you doing?”
    “ Fine, sir. Just
    “ That’s good to hear.” Troy
sensed Mr. Foster wanted to say more, something important, and
waited in the thick of the quiet. It was unsettling to feel like
you knew a man on the surface, a man who was damn near family yet
didn’t feel like you had the first clue as to what lay beneath the
surface. “Why did you leave, Troy?”
    Startled by the abrupt question, he
stepped back. “Sir?”
    “ Tennessee. Why did you
leave Tennessee for Kentucky?”
    Clearing his throat, he said, “I wanted
to prove myself to Casey.”
    “ By leaving her?”
    “ I didn’t leave her. Why does
everyone keep actin’ like I deserted her? I tried to call her but
she didn’t answer. I called you and told you to watch out for her
until I got back.”
    Cal returned a stern gaze. “It wasn’t
my responsibility to convince a young woman that her man hasn’t run
off and left her. I believe I told you as much at the time. She was
pretty torn up.”
    Irritation pitched and heaved in his
heart. How could Casey think he would have done such a thing?
Because he didn’t call her every single day? That was the part that
didn’t make sense. Sure, she might have been unhappy with the
separation, same as him, but how could she think he was never
coming back?
    “ She has her pride,
    Troy dumped his gaze to the trail. “Dad
gum,” he said, frustration boiling over. “It was a
miscommunication. I told her I had to get a job and make something
of myself so everyone around here would understand I wasn’t a
    Cal’s accusatory gaze softened. “No one
thinks you’re a loser.”
    Troy nearly tore the hat from his head
at the lie but instead turned away with a grunt. Casey’s mother was
number one on that list, but he wasn’t about to insult Mr. Foster’s
wife by speaking the same. Shoot, his family was a close second.
“After what happened, it wasn’t like I could’ve gotten a job around
here. I had to start fresh. Kentucky was the only place I had any
    Cal nodded, as though he
understood. Troy hoped that he did. He could use some allies right
about now, especially if he were going to convince Casey’s momma he
was worthy of a second chance. Or third. But who’s counting ?
    “ Have you seen Vegas?” Cal
asked, moving to completely different terrain.
    “ Not yet,” he replied,
grateful for the shift, “but I was hoping to today.”
    “ He’s a strong one. A real
fighter, just like you predicted. Six months old and he’s already
challenging the ranch hands!”
    Pride swallowed Troy whole. “He’s
spirited, is all. Just needs a firm hand an encouragin’ word. I bet
he’ll grow into one of your finest stallions.”
    Cal winked. “I believe you’re right and
I bet you’re the man to do it.”
    Troy’s cheeks warmed at the compliment.
“Thank you, sir. I’d sure like the chance to work with
    Cal glanced up the trail. “Speaking of
work, I’d suggest you get a move on it. Delaney’s an early riser
too and not the woman you want waiting on you.”
    “ No, sir.” Troy tipped his
hat. “I’m on my way.”
    Cal’s expression quieted, an
understanding simmering in his brown gaze. “Glad to have you on the
team, Troy.”
    No more than he

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