Konnichiwa Cowboy
concierge should be waiting to let you into his room.”
Molly picked up the fan and hooked it over Sakura’s wrist before
putting the string of her purse over her other one. “I’ve put both
your mobile and a spare key for our room inside.”
    “You’ve met Matt and know he’s a decent man, nothing
horrible is going to happen. Please, turn it off. I don’t want to
receive a call from my parents while I’m locked in a romantic
clinch with a gorgeous man.” Without a word, her friend took out
the phone and put it in her pocket. “Thank you, now relax. Enjoy
the night in a posh hotel. Order a decadent meal and champagne from
room service.”
    “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. The mother hen inside me came
out. Accept that my worry won’t leave until you return.”
    “I think we need to find you a man.” Molly looked
uneasy at the teasing offer. Sakura believed the other woman wasn’t
comfortable with what she’d said and therefore wondered yet again
if her friend had been hurt, physically, by some guy in the past.
Maybe that was what brought her to Japan. Her friend had never told
her how she’d ended up in Osaka.
    “Let’s get you through tonight and then we can deal
with my lack of a love life.” Her friend gave her a gentle hug,
then carefully smoothed her hands over the highly structured hair.
“You look beautiful. Enjoy yourself and don’t do anything you don’t
want to do. Oh, I almost forgot, I put some condoms in your purse
as well. Use them even though there will be no actual
    “See, you think of everything. I’ve been so intent on
getting dressed appropriately and then into his room, that I forgot
all about those.”
    “That’s what friends are for. Go have fun, feel sexy,
and I’m sure as soon as he sees you he’ll drop to his knees with
    “There’s a lovely image, that big hunk of a man on
his knees in front of me. I could handle that.” She turned and made
her way to the door. “See you later, Molly.”
    “I’ll want details.”
    “Maybe,” Sakura looked over her shoulder as she left
the room and laughed.
    Walking down the hallway was awkward in the slim
column of her kimono and the wooden sandals. What she had on was
pretty, although definitely not for someone who chose to wear
clothes that allowed her to walk as quickly and easily as she
wanted. Turning the corner, she passed through the elevator bay and
saw the concierge standing at the end of the hallway.
    This was her first test to see if she was
recognizable. She knew the man, although they mainly handled
business over the phone. All he knew was what she’d told him during
their previous conversation. Nakamura Enterprises would take care
of supplying and paying the woman, taking any concerns away from
the hotel.
    “ Sumimasen , Nakamura Enterprises asked me to
meet with a Wilson-san. Am I at his room?”
    “Yes, yes, please hurry,” he said while opening the
door. “The gentleman said he’d be back by nine and was very
particular about having you already in the room, waiting for his
return. While he wouldn’t state it specifically, I believe I know
the position you should be in to greet him. I’ve dealt with
Westerners before and they have an image of how a geisha should
act. Be submissive, entertaining, and speak only when spoken to. No
eye contact, either. You’re here to fulfill a fantasy, as well as
satisfy his desire.” Hiedo helped her settle into a kneeling
position, with her head bowed and hands folded together beneath the
kimono’s long sleeves and resting in her lap. She was ready to
    Obviously he’d helped other women in a similar
position before, since the man managed to be very careful and
meticulous in how he fixed her kimono and obi. It was oddly
comforting to know he had experience and that she’d passed his
discerning eye. Considering she wasn’t a prostitute and had never
dressed up as a geisha, she felt pleased to pull off such a
    “There, you look perfect. Do

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