Konnichiwa Cowboy
boss, her father, by doing anything inappropriate.
    However, last week she’d completed her job for
Nakamura Enterprises in advising a potential partner what they
needed to do to stay in line with the Japanese government’s
importation requirements. A couple of days ago, she’d made her
final report to her father, and was formally finished with the Big
W Ranch’s case.
    At a loss for excuses to spend more time with Matt,
she’d handled the last item on her list in regards to his visit.
She’d called her contact at the hotel where he stayed and asked if
there were any requests for their guest’s last night. Sakura had
made such calls throughout his stay, but it turned out to be the
first time she’d been given a gift in return. The concierge she
worked with revealed Matt had asked what many Western men sought
while visiting her country. He’d requested a prostitute dressed as
a geisha. She hadn’t been turned off by discovering he was
comfortable with his sexual needs. In fact, after thinking it
through, she’d seen it as a chance for him to get what he wanted
and for her to be with him as she’d dreamt.
    “Trust me, you look beautiful. Your appearance is
exactly like the woman in the picture we found. There’s not a
chance he’d recognize you beneath all this gear. Don’t forget, he’s
used to seeing you in a suit, dress, even jeans, but not dressed
like a traditional Japanese woman. Now, assure me one more time
that you know what you’re doing.”
    “I really like him, Molly, more than any other man.
He makes me think about my dreams and what the future holds.
Wouldn’t that be enough of a reason to seek more time with him? To
have some memory of us together to hold close when he’s gone?”
    “Oddly enough, that makes sense to me, which worries
a different part of me. I know you wouldn’t do anything that would
put him in an awkward position businesswise, but what about any
repercussions or maybe regrets you’d have later?”
    “The only thing I would regret is if my parents found
out, but I’ve done everything possible to ensure that won’t happen.
Only you know my plan, and I trust you to hold it close to your
chest as I do. To tie up any doubts of the professional ethics in
what I’m about to do, I’m no longer working with him. As far as my
position with the company and their negotiations with his ranch,
I’m formally off the job. There’s no longer any reason why I can’t
be with him as intimately as I want.”
    She used her hands to carefully pat her hair, and
continued noting reasons why she felt confident in moving on. “I
intend to give him exactly what he wants, which also happens to be
something I’d enjoy as well. Playing the part of a demure geisha
who would do whatever the man wants excites me. There’s a challenge
to make sure whatever we do together is legal, but I won’t lose
sight of it. No matter how badly I want to feel him possessing my
body, I won’t break the law or tempt him to do so, either. I’m not
sure if he knows the laws of prostitution in Japan, so it’s up to
me to make sure we don’t do anything wrong.”
    “Well, I feel better knowing you’ve thought it
through, both the good and bad.”
    “I’m sure of only one thing, Molly. The only man I
have wanted intensely leaves tomorrow. Why wouldn’t I want to spend
his last night with him?” No matter what was said or done, she
wasn’t about to back down. Not when she was minutes away from
fulfilling her hearts’ desire, as well as her hottest dream. All
the man had to do was look at her with need and she’d be
    “Remember, I’ll be here in case you need anything.
Okay, enough worrying, let’s finish up and get you to his
    “You’re such a good friend.”
    “I’m sure you’d do the same for me.”
    “Anytime you need me, I’m there for you.” Sakura told
her friend what was in her heart and meant it.
    “I know, sweetie, I know. Come on, it’s quarter to
nine and the

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