Kiss This
beautiful—smooth, hard and chiseled—and she fit against him
perfectly. His hands—oh lord, his hands—were sexy and strong, and
when he slid them down her body he whispered dirty things in her
    “Did you hear me?” a voice screeched.
    What the hell was her mom doing here? Oh
God, and they were both naked—
    “Camryn, I know you’re awake. If you’re
going to play games I’ll just tell Teague to go home—”
    Her eyes shot open only to find her mom
standing over her bed. “What the hell?” she mumbled, rubbing her
face as she sat up.
    “You weren’t honestly asleep, were you? You
were smiling and then frowning…”
    Camryn cleared her throat and blinked. “I
was having a dream,” she muttered, throwing the covers off. Just as
quickly, she threw them back on, risking a glance down her body. Thank God she was dressed!
    “What’s the matter with you?” her mom
frowned. “Are you hungover? Camryn, I know you’re an adult, but I’m
worried if you’re spending your time with men getting drunk
    “I’m not hungover,” Camryn interrupted,
climbing out of bed. “You scared the shit out of me, waking me up
like that. Of course I’m a little out of it.”
    “Well it’s almost nine in the morning. What
time did you get home last night?”
    Camryn looked at her suspiciously, wondering
who this woman was. She couldn’t recall that question coming out of
her mom’s mouth a single time growing up.
    Last night Teague held her as they watched
TV for a while, but other than a simple kiss on the head, neck or
cheek, he kept his hands to himself and was a perfect gentleman. He
walked her home around eleven, kissed her on the cheek again and
told her goodnight. The time with him was surprising, and for some
reason, his chaste actions had caused her to have dirty dreams
about him.
    “And why are you up at this time?”
Camryn countered.
    Serena’s frown was almost a scowl. “I told
you, Teague is here. If you’re going to invite people to come over
this early, maybe you could at least be up to answer—”
    “I didn’t know he was coming over,” Camryn
defended herself, heading for the bathroom. “If you don’t mind,
I’ll get dressed now.”
    Her mom shrugged and left the room.
    Teague was here? After going to the
bathroom, she washed her hands and face, and then quickly brushed
her teeth. She ran a comb through her hair and tied it up in a
messy up-do. Since she was in just a tank top and booty shorts, she
threw on some sweats and a hoodie.
    Teague was sitting on the couch when she
came out and he made a face. “What, no see-through nightie or
    She chuckled. “What I wear to bed is
actually under this,” she motioned down her body.
    He cocked an eyebrow and stood. “Ah, now
that’s a lovely image.”
    “Well no need to get excited. Nothing
    “Oh, now that’s where you’re wrong. Anything
on you is special. In fact,” he said, taking a step so he was right
in front of her, “I’m kind of impressed that you obviously just
woke up and look absolutely gorgeous.”
    “Pssh,” she scoffed. She wanted to make a
smart remark but for some reason she was too embarrassed. She could
even feel her cheeks heat up.
    “And I’m not sure if I should be insulted or
impressed,” he added, “but you didn’t feel the need to throw on
makeup or anything, either.”
    She slowly smiled. “I only wear eyeliner and
mascara, anyways. Take it however you feel necessary.”
    “Hmm, I think I will,” he nodded, sliding a
hand behind her neck. He stepped even closer to her and pressed his
lips against her cheek. “You still smell good,” he said softly.
“Makes me want to march you back to your room and see if I can
sweat it right off of you.”
    Her body reacted to his bold insinuation. It
was risky, but she wanted to flirt right back. “I thought I already
did from the dream I just had about you.”
    He leaned back with a huge grin on his face.
“Really, now.

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