Kiss Me Crazy
naked, and having a mind-numbing… no, I will not go there. She yanked her thoughts to the present, to a situation she should have nipped before it got this far.
    “We shouldn’t be doing this. I work for you. There’s a policy against—”
    “To hel with the policy,” he ground out. He must have felt her flinch because he stepped back and rubbed his nape. “There’s something between us, Kara. I felt it from the very first day we met.
    Five years later, it’s stil there, only stronger.” His voice was soft and calm, soothing as though he expected her to bolt. “You can’t deny it.”
    Yes, she could. Baron was wrong for her on so many levels. He was commitment phobic, her boss, had a new girlfriend according to Gena, and…was the best darn kisser she’d ever locked lips with. Kara shook her head. I must be jinxed to lust after this man . The one thing she couldn’t deny was how much she wanted him, not after the way she’d kissed him.
    She shook her head. “No, I can’t, but we can’t always have what we want.”
    “Why not, when it’s within your reach?” He ran a finger along the neckline of her T-shirt, leaving a heated trail in its wake.
    She brushed his hand and ducked past him, putting as much space between them as possible. Once the counter was between them, she turned and faced him. “I realy think—”
    “That’s your problem, Kara. You think too much.” She bristled at his tone. “At least it stops me from making mistakes.”
    “Point taken.” He propped his elbows on the counter and leaned closer, sexual energy pulsing from him. “How about this?
    Give me the time in Idaho to show you…to prove to you that what we have is not a mistake.”

    She must have misunderstood him. “Are you asking me to have an affair with you?”
    One word, so direct and an unapologetic, yet it sent a thril through her senses. The man would have her in knots in no time.
    And what would that make her? Another notch on his belt. The conversation she’d heard between Gena and her caler flitted in Kara’s head. His new woman was probably pining for him somewhere while he attempted to seduce her into doing his bidding.
    “What about your girlfriend?” she asked.
    “I don’t have a girlfriend, Kara. I haven’t had one for awhile.”
    Could he be teling the truth? The sincerity in his eyes and voice confirmed it, yet she couldn’t discount what Gena had said.
    Oh, what did it matter? She wasn’t agreeing to an affair.
    “What about you? Are you involved with anyone?” he asked.
    “No, I’m not.” She answered without thinking and watched a grin spread across his handsome face. “Not that I’m agreeing to your proposal. Okay? I don’t go for casual sex.”
    “Who said anything about casual? You’ve seen how it is when we kiss. Sex between us wil never, ever be casual, Kara. I promise you that.”
    He’d take charge of her body, every breath she took, and every move she made just as he did everything else in his life. Her last serious boyfriend had put her off domineering men. But instead of feeling repulsed by Baron’s proposal, a flush of heat skidded under her skin, making her nipples tighten and her stomach clench with need. What did that say about her?
    “Look at me, Kara.”
    She didn’t want to, sure he’d see her needs written al over her face. Too bad she couldn’t stop herself. When their eyes connected, the unbridled hunger in his eyes shocked her.
    “I’l let you cal the shots,” he said.
    Erotic images of Baron tied to a bed, totaly under her control flashed in her head. Now that was something she would love to see. Kara licked her lips, which had gone dry at her wanton thoughts.
    “Meaning?” she asked in a squeaky voice.
    “You decide when it ends.”
    “What you’re saying is that if I decide to cal things off after a night together, you’l respect my decision?”
    “You won’t try to make me change my mind?”
    “No.” He

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