Kirkland Revels

Kirkland Revels by Victoria Holt Page A

Book: Kirkland Revels by Victoria Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Holt
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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horrible fear of breaking an ankle and being forced to spend the night here . a prisoner. I began to feel faint at the thought of it.

    This was most unlike myself. What is this? I demanded. Nothing but bricks and grass. Why be afraid? But what was the use? I was afraid.

    I blundered on. My one thought, my great desire, was to escape from the ruins of Kirkland Abbey.

    It was only now that I had lost my way that I became fully aware of the vastaess of the place; and there was a time during that nocturnal adventure when I thought I should never find my way out of the maze of stone. With every passing second the light was fading and I was so anxious to get away from the place that I panicked and lost my sense of direction.

    At length when I did escape I came out on the far side of the Abbey and it was now between me and the house.

    Nothing would have induced me to go back the way I had come, which would have been difficult in any case, for I should have lost myself in that pile of stones. I ran on swiftly until I found a road. This I took and, guessing my direction, I hurried on, now and then breaking into a run.

    As I came to a clump of trees through which the road wound, a figure emerged and for a moment I knew terror. Then it took on a familiar shape and a voice I knew said:

    ” Hallo! Have you got the devil at your heels?”

    The note of mockery in that voice set annoyance swamping my fear.

    ” I lost my way, Mr. Redvers,” I said. ” But I think I’m on the right road now.”

    He laughed. ” You are, but I can show you a short cut .. if you’ll allow me.”

    ” Doesn’t this road lead to the house?”

    ” It does … eventually. But if you cut through the trees here you come out about half a mile nearer. Will you allow me to escort you?”

    ” Thank you,” I said stiffly.

    We walked side by side and he fitted his step to mine.

    “How did you come to be out alone at this hour?” he asked.

    I told him that my dog had been out all afternoon and evening, and I was anxious.

    ” You shouldn’t wander too far alone,” he reproved me ” You see how easy it is to lose yourself.”

    “Had it been day I should easily have found the righ! road.”

    ” But it was not day. As for the dog, doubtless he has found a little companion somewhere. Dogs will be dogs.”

    I did not answer him; we had come through the trees and I saw the house. In five minutes we were there.

    Gabriel, Ruth, Luke and Dr. Smith were in the grounds They were all looking for me. The doctor had come in to see Sir Matthew and had heard that I had disappeared.

    Gabriel was so anxious that he was almost angry with me for the first time in our lives.

    I breathlessly explained that I had been looking for Friday, had got lost among the ruins and met Simon Redvers on the way back.

    ” You shouldn’t have gone out alone at dusk,” said Dr. Smith gently.

    ” One of us would have gone with you!” Luke reproved me.

    ” I know,” I said and smiled with relief because I was so happy to be back. I turned to Simon Redvers. ” Thank you, Mr. Redvers,” I went on.

    He bowed ironically. ” Such a pleasure,” he murmured.

    ” Has Friday come home?” I asked Gabriel.

    He shook his head.

    ” He’ll turn up to-morrow,” Luke put in.

    ” I do hope so,” I answered.

    Gabriel put his arm through mine. ” There’s nothing else we can do to-night. And you look exhausted. Come along in.”

    They all seemed to be watching us. I turned and said;

    “Good night.”

    There was an echoing answer as Gabriel drew me into the house.

    ” I’ve never seen you look so white and tired,” he told me.

    I thought I should never get back. “

    He laughed and put his arm about me. He said suddenly:

    ” Wasn’t that honeymoon of ours wonderful. But it was very short. We ought to have a longer one. I’ve often thought I’d like to go to Greece.”

    ” The Isles of Greece, the Isles of Greece 1 Where burning Sappho loved and

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