Kindle Buffet: Find and download the best free books, magazines and newspapers for your Kindle, iPhone, iPad or Android

Kindle Buffet: Find and download the best free books, magazines and newspapers for your Kindle, iPhone, iPad or Android by Steve Weber Page B

Book: Kindle Buffet: Find and download the best free books, magazines and newspapers for your Kindle, iPhone, iPad or Android by Steve Weber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Weber
Tags: kindle, Kindle books, books, free books, public domain books
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Fires and compatible televisions. In addition to free and low-cost shipping rates on physical goods sold by Amazon, Prime membership provides access to a Kindle lending library described below. Customers who purchase a Kindle Fire receive one free month of Prime.

The Kindle Owner’s Lending Library
    Y ou also have access to the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library, a feature that comes if you choose to keep your Amazon Prime subscription. This is very easy to access:
Open up your Books library and go to Store
On the right-hand side of the screen, select “ Kindle Owner’s Lending Library ”
Select a Category
Look for books with the Prime logo under them that are priced at $0.00
Tap on the book to select it.
Select “ Borrow for Free ”
The item will be downloaded to your library.

    Figure 6: The fiction Kindle Owner’s Lending Library.
    Books may be returned at any time, but you have to return the book you have before you can borrow another.
    Finding free content for your ereader isn’t difficult. In fact, you’ll find that there are plenty of sites out there offering free content of one type or another. These sites may offer a variety of different types of content, from video to audio to books. While you’re exploring them, you’ll want to avoid illegal pirate sites.

Recognizing illegal content
    W hen you’re specifically looking for free content, it’s imperative that you understand how illegal sites work and how to recognize them. Copyright infringement can turn into a very big deal for people who commit this crime, whether or not they know they’re doing it at the time. Here are a few of the red flags to watch out for.

Current books offered as free PDF downloads
    O ne of the most common ways that people pirate eBooks is to strip the DRM anti-copying protection off of them, then upload them to peer-to-peer networks. If you know a book is currently selling in eBook form, then a free version is unlikely to be legitimate.
    Amazon and other sites, however, do offer samples of books quite frequently. These usually consist of the cover, the table of contents and a few pages that give you an idea of what the author’s writing style is like. A free chapter is not too uncommon, either.

Bundled books
    S ometimes, you might run across a compressed file containing a large number of eBooks; sometimes these archives contain hundreds of books. These are almost always pirate files. Be sure not to download them. If you consider for a moment that eBooks usually range around $10 a piece, downloading a file containing 100 pirated eBooks equates to $1,000 worth of piracy. That’s certainly enough to get you in hot water!
    Legal worries might be only part of the problem with illegitimate content. Sometimes the stuff includes a computer virus or malware.

Adobe Digital Editions
    A dobe Digital Editions is a software package many folks use to help borrow eBooks from the library. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you may want to consider doing so now. It allows you to make sure you’re in-line with DRM requirements and it’s free. Without it, some sites will not let you download free content. Here’s how to get it:
    Visit and download the installer to get started.
    After you install the program, it will automatically manage your purchases and your library loans for you. Notice the two buttons on the top left-hand side of the screen in Figure 119. These allow you to switch between Library View and Reading View . If you want to read your downloaded documents right on your computer, you can do so by clicking on the Reading View icon.

Library Books
    L ibrary books will show up automatically in this program when you download them from sources other than One of the handy things that this program does is put up a banner that lets you know how much time you have remaining on the library loan. The other great thing it does is return the book for you.
    What do you mean

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