give you more information
to consider. Don’t be prideful . I fully understand not wanting to dismantle an organization, but don’t be impatient
either. This experience is right up your alley. No one is more qualified than you
to do this; it is a natural progression and culmination of your work and school background.
You can still have [your company] and all of its potential in the future. You do not
need to be in such a hurry
I know how exciting this project is to you. It feels good, not only to work Keiko,
but to work at the top of the game. You are MADE for this project; I’d hate to see
you give up all of the positives in the name of something that may or may not be that
important down the road
Understand the other chess player. You mentioned some very valid fears of Charles
and OFS. Realize that these are solid trepidations that freaks like Howard Garrett
are reinforcing. You need to get a line out to Ken and Kelly Balcomb, so that you
don’t have the peanut gallery advertising incorrect info. OFS is not to be looked
at like an adversary
Finally, whatever you do, I love you very much. Be safe and warm and know that my
heart and mind brim with pride at being your wife … your soul mate
Your Wing, Aly
At times I believe that we men are in a constant state of self-destruction and that
the only thing preventing us from sinking into oblivion is the right woman. My wingman
or “wingwoman” had helped me turn a difficult corner. She was right; I wanted to be
on this project and turning it down because they wouldn’t hire our company would have
left me with haunting regrets. This project wasn’t going to last forever, and I could
return to our company and its goals in the future.
That morning, Dave and I had gone to the bay pen to distance ourselves from the meetings
and hopefully gain a fresh perspective. This is where I received the e-mail from Alyssa
and after reading it, it was as if a demon had been exorcised from my psyche.
During that afternoon, Robin met with Charles as Dave and I were headed in from the
bay pen. Famous for his skill at diplomacy, Robin was able to endear himself to Charles,
and together they framed a sound understanding for our participation in the project.
Among other agreements reached, Robin accepted the position as an OFS employee. He
would be the new Keiko Release Project Manager alongside Jeff Foster. He also paved
the way for my inclusion as the director of Animal Husbandry. This meant that I would
be solely dedicated to Keiko and answer only to Robin and Jeff. Monumental change
had to occur with this project and the way Keiko was being managed.
This structure allayed my final trepidations about becoming an OFS employee. That
night I shared the outcome with Alyssa, to whom I owed my very involvement. The struggle
and compromise behind us and with a singular focus now unbridled from lesser things,
I was ready to put my full attention into every aspect of Keiko’s rehabilitation.
E-mail: May 6, 1999
To: Alyssa
Subj: Hey
Came to an agreement with OFS today. I will be on a contract basis for 12 months as
an OFS employee. The duration will be stipulated at a minimum of 12 months or as necessary
until Keiko is released or relocated to a permanent housing facility
The next few days will be spent not only outlining the details of a behavioral plan
but also creating my position description, title and responsibilities. Robin is the
project manager. He answers only to the OFS board/executive committee. I will answer
only to Robin … I also expressed to Charles Vinick my interest in business operations.
He acted as if he was very interested in utilizing me in that capacity. Knowing Robin,
and our past relationship, I feel good about being able to implement and influence
organizational development. He said I was free to take on any and as much responsibility
as I wished. We will see … there is tons
Phyllis Smallman
Emily Jenkins
Makenna Jameison
Sam Bourne
Jason Felch
E.R. Punshon
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Kirk Anderson
Stacy Finz
Phillip Margolin, Ami Margolin Rome