Killer Dads

Killer Dads by Mary Papenfuss

Book: Killer Dads by Mary Papenfuss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Papenfuss
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sis said it was a red/white/blue theme, and I had just painted my nails orange, about six coats, so I had to paint over them in the car and they got all thick and smudged—but we went to the international peace gardens, and I think I got some really good pictures. Then to Arby’s and we all had ice cream cones. And on the way home we watched some fireworks with some neighbors, and didn’t get inside until about 11 p.m. So tired we allowed Charlie to go to bed with us.
    My work offered some spontaneous overtime, so I worked Friday 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. (decided to drive to work, not biking at 4 a.m.—5 a.m. is my earliest limit). Was so happy to come home and know that the weeds were gone. Did dinner and took the boys outside. I think Braden is really teething (I can see the teeth) and he’s drooling a lot with a runny but clear nose, and he was feverish and falling asleep in my arms. But when I took him inside to clean him up and gave him some baby Tylenol for fever, he seemed to get his second wind.
    Then I backed up the garbage disposal so Josh got annoyed with me (no shocker) but all gung-ho with snaking the kitchen and bathtub drains. He did mention his mom suggested he go “out with the boys for lunch on Fridays” to “fit in and be social,” and he’s already talking about using the little antenna balls from Jack in the Box to “decorate his cubicle.” He mentioned there are some “hard core rumors” about a guy with “12 kids” and his boss and another guy they often refer to as their “partner,” so I think he is in a very diversified environment. He says they have rubber-band gunfights and talk politics and they sound like a bunch of computer geeks. He continues to say he needs to “study more” and needs some project done by Monday to prove his worth. They gave him a work-issued laptop and an identity badge so I know he feels special. I pray and hope that his skills will keep his company satisfied and he can stay long term. He did concede, I guess, that he didn’t want to do anything final with alternative commuting purchases until he knows this job is permanent. He is still interested in an electric bike and car, but I told him we should seek out the car-pooling field first and do more research.
    I set my first shrink appointment—the earliest with my schedule and who I want is September 4, so I’m sad that I have to hold my peace for that long. Josh hasn’t made any appointments yet, although I’ve emailed him the info on how to get it all set up.
    That’s me in a nutshell. See you in church?
    Hello Girlie!
    From: Susan Powell
    Sent: Mon. 7/28/08
    Yeah I think the Relief Society [Mormon charity and education auxiliary] policy is to only tell one of the partners. K always tells me they only contact me if they can’t get hold of her (rarely in the four years I’ve been here). They’ve released me from leading music, which was the only RS contact I had on a weekly basis (although they forgot to mention that, and that I’m now “nursery leader” in sacrament, but whatever). It was a good week because they were speaking about girls camp.
    Josh is with AD, “computer geek for trucking company,” contract to hire, which makes me nervous.
    His sis is working on the family pics and I want to print and display and post them online. Trust me, I’m excited, too! Funny, I never really thought about the “faith without works is dead” in that concept before. You amaze me sometimes. I know you and everyone else will support me in whatever decisions, even if it means I crash someone’s house in the middle of the night with my boys in tow (hope that never happens) or stay with him. But believe me, my bottom line is: he will do counseling at least. I expect by our anniversary next April (eight years) we will both be in counseling, and finally fixing the

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