Kidnapped and Bound: Kidnapped, Book 2

Kidnapped and Bound: Kidnapped, Book 2 by Blushing Books

Book: Kidnapped and Bound: Kidnapped, Book 2 by Blushing Books Read Free Book Online
Authors: Blushing Books
to obey as my wedding vows dictated as much as I could.  But there were to be moments when my stubborn nature overtook my reason and Lord Drake was given good grounds to school me lovingly over his knee.

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Arabella Kingsley
    I live in the UK, in the leafy county of Hertfordshire, just outside London with my husband, daughter and dog called Domino.  I started my career as a Legal Executive and then decided to change direction and attend University to study History.  It was during this time that I gave birth to my thirteen-year-old daughter.  I then returned to University to complete a postgraduate degree in History.  My passion is writing novels, in particular historical & action romance, gothic romance, fantasy, romantic thrillers and erotica.  When I am not writing I love walking in the nearby woods connecting with nature.  I am also a Spiritualist Medium and have many stories to tell about my encounters with spirits and past lives which I often translate into my writing.  
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    Don’t miss these exciting novels by Arabella Kingsley and Blushing Books!
    Conquering Sabrina
    Kidnapped and Disciplined
    A Dangerous Man
    Kidnapped and Bound

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