Kelly Hill

Kelly Hill by Laura Gibson

Book: Kelly Hill by Laura Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Gibson
“Come on, Rachel Gunn, dance with me.”
    Rachel sighed, she couldn’t help herself; he could be charming when he wanted to be. He could be downright enjoyable if he really let himself.
    And so, she took his hand, because she wanted to. Because at that moment she wanted to have fun with Jefferson Williams and she wanted to see the world the way he saw it.
    In that moment he was a romantic. In that moment he was human.
    Both of them had taken dance lessons several times over and so they fell in step with one another easily, each one taking cues from the other. Then, one song turned into one more and after that they were just dancing. No longer listening to the song, or waiting for it to be over, they were just two people enjoying one another’s company.
    Rachel couldn’t help but think it, though it was Jefferson who said it first. Jefferson who gave the thought life in words.
    He was holding her close during a slower melody, his hand on her lower back, guiding her, her head nearly resting on his shoulder. “You know, I wished that I had been on this date with you.” He whispered, almost as if he were afraid to speak the words that were tumbling out his lips.
    Sloppy words. Words meant to compliment but did more harm than good.
    Rachel wanted to tell him she agreed with him. That she had had a nice time, but she couldn’t find the truth in those feelings. She couldn’t find it in herself to lie one more time.
    So she did the only thing she could, she played it off as a joke, as if she didn’t take it seriously, as if she didn’t understand yet again. “Don’t be ridiculous.” She was laughing, “If this were a date, I’d be terrible at it.”
    Jefferson chuckled to himself and nodded. As the song ended he let go of her hand but didn’t step back from her. Softly, he kissed her forehead, “I guess it’s time to get you home then.”
    Against Rachel’s wishes, Jefferson picked up the check and they headed for his car.
    In the chilly night air Rachel spied the flare of a lit cigarette just a few paces away from the driver side door. Jefferson seemed to have noticed it as well because his hands faltered with his keys before he could unlock the doors.
    “We should talk, Jeff.” A man came out of the shadows, one hand was holding the cigarette, the other stuck in the pocket of his jeans.
    Rachel raised an eyebrow; she had never heard anyone call Jefferson ‘Jeff’ before. It seemed unnatural, too informal. Too familiar.
    Jefferson sighed and turned away from the man, opening Rachel’s car door. “Go home, Kelly.”
    Rachel looked from Jefferson to the man known as Kelly before getting in the car.
    Jefferson closed the door for her and walked around the back of car, he said something to Kelly that Rachel couldn’t hear and then she heard Kelly laugh. It was a hollow laugh, angry, bitter filled with resentment for Jefferson.
    Then Jefferson was being shoved against the side of the car and Kelly was snarling something, the words indiscernible, but the message was violent.
    “Back off, Kell.” Jefferson shoved Kelly back, pushing him away, “Get a grip, man.”
    “ I told you to stay away from her!” Kelly was shouting now, his words made clear in his rage, “I told you to leave her alone!”
    Jefferson fixed his jacket and brushed the dust off, “Well, I don’t know what to tell you then, because she sure didn’t act like she wanted me gone.”
    Through the window Rachel saw Kelly ball his hand into a fist and slam it against Jefferson’s cheek.
    “ Damn it, Kelly!” Jefferson shouted, spitting blood out onto the ground, “What the hell is wrong you?”
    Before Kelly could answer Jefferson was in the car and locking the doors. He looked over at Rachel, his eyes black as coal, “Put your seatbelt on.”
    Rachel didn’t say anything, but did as she was told.
    Jefferson pulled out of the parking lot with a screeching of tires and sped off down the interstate, heading back towards the safety of

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