Keeping the Beat: An Adrenaline Novel

Keeping the Beat: An Adrenaline Novel by Morgan O'Hara Page B

Book: Keeping the Beat: An Adrenaline Novel by Morgan O'Hara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan O'Hara
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hanging up. Not long after my cousin and his boyfriend had knocked on the door.
         They had taken seats on either side of me while we watched whatever movie Jared had just put into the DVD player. I kept my eyes focused on the television but my thoughts were not focused on whatever was happening on screen.
                  Glancing at my watch I saw it was a little after nine and knew Kenzie had to be well into her date by now. I’d watched Reece drive back from town, knowing she had been helping Kenzie get ready for the faceless idiot who was taking her out tonight. As if Kenzie needed any preparation to be the most gorgeous woman in the room. Shifting in my seat I tried to take my mind off of whatever Kenzie was doing.
                  Was the guy making her laugh? Did he know that she got cold easily in movie theaters but always forgot to bring a jacket? Jesus, I’d bet he’d just love to have the excuse to tuck her in close to his side. To get a whiff of that seductive lavender shampoo she used. Kenzie was such a kind person she probably wouldn't even know the guy was using the situation to his advantage. What if he tried to kiss her when he dropped her off after their date?
                  What if she let him?
                  Pushing off of the couch I grabbed my keys and coat from the hook beside the door. The cool summer air was starting to signal that fall was on it’s way. Garret stood from his seat and placed his hands on his hips watching my jerky movements as I shoved my arms into the coat sleeves.
                  “Where are you going?”
                  “Out,” I answered in a curt voice refusing to look at my cousin. Jared looked slightly amused at our interaction. He and Wyatt seemed to get along famously with their shared sense of humor.
                  “Jace.” Garret moved towards me, stopping in his tracks when I turned to look at him, my expression fierce. The way I was feeling, if he wanted to stop me he was going to have to throw the first punch. Scrubbing a hand over his face he shook his head and turned away from me, sitting back down on the couch.
                  Without another word I stalked out of my house and into my truck, heading out onto the road towards town. When I reached Kenzie’s house I parked my truck across the street and practically ran to the front door. Giving it a brisk knock I waited, anxiously listening for the sound of her feet coming to answer it. After a few more attempts I reasoned that she wasn't home yet. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the potted plant where I knew Reece kept her spare key hidden. Feeling like a fool, I reached under it finding the blue glittery key and fit it into the lock letting myself inside.
                  The place hadn't changed much since Reece had moved out. The only telling change that the house now belonged to Kenzie were the books scattered all around the room. I decided my best option at this point was to wait for her to return and grabbed a book that I recognized as one of Kenzie’s favorites. It was a book of poetry.
                  I always imagined Kenzie would fall in love with an intellectual type. Someone who could talk to her about all the things she’d read and learned. Someone who would write her sonnets and poems.
                  Not someone like me who had barely graduated high school. Who could barely string two words together about how I was feeling without sounding like a complete idiot.
                  Within the first few words she had spoken to me I knew Kenzie was smarter than I could ever hope to be. As she continued to grow I’d watched that beautiful brain of hers soak up everything around her like a sponge. From the time she had come to live with us, she’d always kept a book near by. It didn't seem to matter what else was going on at the time. The girl

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