Keeping Sam

Keeping Sam by Joanne Phillips Page B

Book: Keeping Sam by Joanne Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Phillips
Kate,’ he told her. ‘They’re just spiral stairs like you’d find in any castle turret or stately home. Try to forget that you’re outside, and lean into the body of the tree. Oh, and don’t look down.’ He grinned at her and nodded again for her to move. ‘I’ll be right behind you. I won’t let you fall.’
    She took a deep breath, then began to climb. ‘I don’t actually like stately homes,’ she told him over her shoulder.
    ‘I didn’t think so,’ he said, chuckling.
    ‘I’m more of an outdoors kind of a girl.’
    ‘Right. That’s what I thought.’
    ‘In fact, I’d like to live in the woods, just me and Sam, just escape from the world, never have to bother with anyone, ever.’
    She was babbling now, talking for the sake of it. Patrick kept up his own chatter behind her, egging her on, telling her she was doing great. The truth was, she’d never been an outdoors kind of person at all. She’d spent her teenage years resenting Corrin Cove – hadn’t even heard of these woods until today, despite growing up a stone’s throw from them. She’d spent all of her adult years until now in a sprawling metropolis, where the only greenery had been the odd patch of municipal grass. She climbed on, not daring to look at anything other than the next tread in front of her, trying not to think about the distance from here to the ground.
    And then she was at the top, stepping onto a sturdy platform of solid timber and gripping hold of the handrail exultantly. ‘I made it!’ she cried.
    ‘You certainly did.’ Patrick stepped up from the tree-stairway behind her, for a moment so close she could feel the entire length of his body pressed against her. She closed her eyes, fighting the desire to lean into him, to enjoy the view while encircled in his arms – she knew she would fit so snugly there. Too soon he moved on to stand by her side, and Kate let out a tiny sigh and opened her eyes.
    ‘Wow,’ she exclaimed. ‘It really is incredible.’
    Up here she could see the curve of the forested land, see how it fell away down towards the cove. She gazed across the treetops, shaking her head in amazement.
    ‘It looks like rain,’ she said, peering out towards the ocean. Darkening clouds were flattened against the sea, the sky an angry violet above them. But Patrick was already crossing the narrow walkway, half turned and holding out his hand for her to join him.
    She followed Patrick across the walkway into the tree house, enjoying the sensation of being on top of the world. While Patrick went to fetch the picnic, shimmying down the rope ladder with ease, Kate stood at the round window and closed her eyes again, allowing the rising breeze to cool her face and lift her hair, feeling so alive, so animated, she wanted to capture the moment and keep it with her for all time. She imagined bringing Sam up here, and decided to ask Patrick if he thought it would be safe.
    They ate their picnic in silence, but the silence was companionable, and Kate felt as though she had known Patrick all her life. She was glad he didn’t bombard her with questions the way Marie did; she only wanted to savour the moment.
    ‘I suppose we should be going,’ Patrick said after they’d wolfed down all of Marie’s sandwiches and posh crisps and home-baked sausage rolls. ‘I heard you tell Marie you were busy. I don’t want to take up too much of your day.’
    ‘Can’t we stay just a little longer?’ Kate heard herself asking. ‘I mean, only if you can spare the time.’ She swallowed, aware all over again of the effect his proximity had on her. ‘It’s just that it took so much effort to get up here in the first place – it seems a shame to go back so soon. Maybe we could just ... sit for a while?’
    Patrick nodded, then settled back against the side of the tree house and closed his eyes. Kate studied him for a while, tracing the faint lines on his face with an imaginary finger, wondering what he was thinking, what secrets

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