Keeper of the Peace (Graveyard Guardians #2)
    This might be her only chance to be with him
before they found out she killed that guy and she went to prison.
All these years she spent longing for him to come to her and say
the things he just told her in the kitchen, she deserved at least
one night of happiness before things went to shit.
    Bolting off the steps, she hurried across
the driveway. “David!”
    He turned just in time to see Hannah running
toward him. With a look of surprise he opened his arms for her as
she jumped up, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. She
felt him immediately give in, kissing her back with equal
    Hannah didn’t hold anything back, she let
all those years of missing him come through in that kiss. His arms
tightened around her waist, pulling her firmly up against his body
so that she could feel every hard inch of him through his
    She moaned against his lips and then
whispered, “I want you to stay.”
    He turned with her in his arms and stepped
forward so that she was pressed up against the cool metal of the
Chevelle’s door. “What about your issues?” he whispered.
    “Fuck the issues. Take me inside.”
    David pulled away from her lips with a
hungry groan and then lifted her into his arms.
    Finally … finally after all these years,
they were going to be back together again. She looked up into the
depths of his icy blue eyes and saw that he felt the same. Unable
to help herself, she pulled his head down for more kissing.
    Somehow, he managed to make it up the steps
and over the threshold of the open doorway without separating his
lips from hers. Once he made it into the house, he kicked the door
shut behind them and set her back down onto her feet.
    “Hannah.” He took hold of her waist with
both hands, gently pulling her forward. “You’re sure about
    She nodded. “Positive.”
    “Because if this goes any further …”
    “I want it to,” she cut him off and pulled
her hands from his and reached up, touching both his cheeks and
then brought him down for another kiss.
    Indeed, she was sure about being with him,
what she wasn’t sure about was what was going to happen afterward.
Forget about it Hannah, live for now, she told herself. With that
thought in mind, she pushed everything else to the back of her mind
except him.
    In a move bolder than she had ever been
before, she slipped his jacket off of his shoulders and pushed it
down off his arms. She wanted him naked, like right freaking now.
Her nerves tingled as she thought about how their bare skin would
feel against each other.
    He helped her with the jacket by wiggling
out of it and dropping it to the floor. Then, he swept her up off
of her feet again, carrying her in both arms, and headed down the
little hallway to her bedroom.
    She watched his gaze sweep the room and then
focus on the bed. Before she knew it, he tossed her down onto the
fluffy comforter and remained standing, staring down at her. She
ran her eyes down his body, wanting to rip that shirt off of him if
he didn’t take it off soon. But then, for a moment, her attention
settled on his gun. He had a holster on, which she hadn’t really
noticed, but the gun was just a reminder of what was going to
happen soon and most likely he was going to be the one who arrested
    Push it back Hannah.
    He didn’t smile down at her, instead, the
look he wore as he reached up and took his holster off, was one of
longing and intensity. She wanted to help him, but after the
holster and gun dropped to the floor, she kicked off her shoes and
then wiggled out of her scrub pants, leaving her in only her lacey
white panties and white tank top.
    She heard his quick intake of breath and
watched him finish unbuttoning his shirt, exposing the most
fabulous set of abs she had ever seen.
    My God, they weren’t teenagers anymore. What
she was looking at was a man, not the young body he’d had when they
were together.
    After his shirt dropped to the floor, he
reached for his belt buckle. She

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