Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Page B

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
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you need to stay away from Seth and his friends.
You don’t think the teachers have noticed how he treats you? Well, we have and
it makes us sick. If you were my daughter, you wouldn’t be at the same school
as him. Promise me you’ll be careful.”
         I cocked my
head, confused. This was the same teacher who had called me out in class
earlier in the year. I didn’t know he even paid attention to his students
outside of class, let alone cared.
    “I’ll be okay,” I
said, giving him my best fake smile.
    As he looked at me, the
compassion was evident in his eyes. “He’s changed you. You aren’t the same
carefree girl you use to be. I hope you can get past whatever this is and get
your life back on track.”
    “Yeah, me too,” I
replied softly and walked into the cafeteria, leaving him standing at the door.
     “What was that
about?” Hallie asked as I sat down at our table.
     I glanced back at
the empty cafeteria doors. “He saved me from the wrath of Seth.” I told her
what almost happened and she frowned.
     “Well, I’m glad he
was there,” she said, patting my leg.
     “So am I,” I
whispered, fighting back the tears that threatened to appear.
    The weeks passed,
and Seth seemed to realize that our relationship was truly over. He began
dating the cheerleader I’d seen him talking to once before. While this came as
no surprise, the hurt I felt at seeing him with another girl did. I knew part
of me still loved him, and would continue to for a long time, but the damage
had been done and neither time nor words could ever repair it. I had wanted to
return the necklace he’d given me, it was one less reminder of him, but
couldn’t find it. I tried to remember the last time I’d worn it and thought
maybe it had been the night of the party but couldn’t be sure. I’d torn my room
apart searching for it but still hadn’t found it. I wasn’t too worried about
it, thinking that eventually, it would turn up.  
      Things returned to
normal around me, but I couldn’t shake my depression. It lingered long after
the nightmares stopped. It didn’t help that I continued to see JT quite
regularly. At the smallest glimpse, I would grab Hallie and head the other way.
He’d managed to catch me alone a few times and seemed to enjoy reminding me of
what he could do if I ever told anyone about that night at the party. Hallie still
didn’t know what happened with JT. No one did. I’d made sure of that. She just
thought I wanted to avoid all things Seth related, and I didn’t correct her.
She knew something wasn’t right with me and tried her hardest to make me feel
better but nothing worked, and I found myself slipping further and further

Chapter Ten
    As February arrived,
I realized my period was late. It should have come the last week of January. I
panicked and drove to a pharmacy one town over and bought a home pregnancy
test. I couldn’t do the test at home, so I snuck into the pharmacy restroom and
did it there. I sat on the lid of the toilet, willing the test to be negative.
I closed my eyes and did something I hadn’t done since before I’d slept with
Seth- I prayed.
    “Lord, I know I
shouldn’t ask you for anything after what I’ve done, but please don’t let this
test be positive. I promise to never have sex again. I’ll do whatever you want.
Just don’t let this be positive.” I opened my eyes and peered down at the stick
as it shook in my hand and through my tears, saw the plus sign. I was pregnant,
and my life was over.
     I drove home slowly
and as I pulled into the driveway, noticed my parents were already there. I must
have looked terrified when I walked through the door because as soon as Mom saw
me, she yelled for Dad. She dropped the folder she’d been holding and papers
fluttered to the floor as she ran to me. I glanced up and saw Dad rounding the
top of the stairs before I collapsed against her, sobbing.
    As soon as he
reached us, Dad grabbed me and began

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