Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Page A

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
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image I had in my mind for a shrink, he looked more like a grandpa. I kept
expecting him to try to give me a quarter or a peppermint from his pocket. He
didn’t, but he did give me a reassuring smile.
    Dad showed him all
the bruises on my body, before leaving me alone with him. He told me that
everything I said was confidential, even from my parents. I didn’t believe him,
so I decided not to say anything about what JT had done to me. The first
question he asked was how I got my bruises. I told him from my ex-boyfriend. He
then proceeded to ask me lots of other questions; some I answered and some I
didn’t, especially not the ones about my nightmares.
    Once we were
finished talking, he brought my parents in and asked me to wait in the hall.
They never would tell me what Dr. Baird said to them alone in that room, so I eventually
stopped asking. I was put on several prescriptions and after a few days, I
began to feel better. I stopped having nightmares every night, which helped to
stop the panic attacks. I saw Dr. Baird again at the end of the week and he was
glad that I’d improved, but insisted I still had to see him every two weeks for
therapy sessions.
         I only missed a
week of school. My parents told me if anyone asked, I’d had the flu. It was
going around town, so that was believable. I looked pale and felt tired from
all the sleepless nights, so it looked believable too.
     Hallie was already
at our locker with a somber look on her face. “Katie, I’m so sorry about what
has happened. My mom told me your parents made you break up with Seth. I’m glad
they did, but I know it still hurts.”
     I ignored her
sympathetic words as I gathered my books. It was my fault. I kept taking what
Seth dished out, hoping he would change. This was about more than Seth anyway,
not that I could tell anyone though. I was on my own with this secret.
     We started towards
class when I spotted Seth. He was headed straight for me. “Just ignore him,”
Hallie whispered. I had planned on it.
     He called out my
name, dodging other kids as he ran to me. I flinched when he stopped right in
front of me, blocking my path.
     “Leave her alone, Seth.
She doesn’t want to talk to you.”
     Seth glared at her.
“Go away, Hallie. This is none of your business,” he growled out.
     She didn’t move
though. She continued to stand beside me with her arms crossed over her chest,
glaring back at him.
     He leaned in close
to my face and whispered. “You have to tell your parents I didn’t hurt you,
that it was an accident or something. Your dad called mine and said he had
pictures of what I did to you.” I looked into his eyes, my expression blank,
and didn’t say a word. “Katie, are you listening to me?” he asked and reached
out to grab my arm. I scooted away before he could touch me. “I love you, and I
know you love me. Please, I can’t live without you. I promise I’ll never hurt
you again,” he pleaded, tears pooling in his eyes. He sounded sincere, but I
couldn’t go back to him. I wouldn’t live my life like that. Plus, I was too
broken now anyway. I would never be the same.
    I opened my mouth
and with a steady voice uttered one word, “No.”  I turned and walked away with
Hallie at my side.
     Seth didn’t let up
that entire week. It was a living hell. I would find gifts in my locker, and he
followed me from class to class trying to talk to me. I asked to be moved away
from him in English class, which made him furious.
    In the hallway after
class, he slapped the books out of my hands and made a move to shove me but was
stopped by Mr. Reid. “I suggest you walk away, Seth,” he said, his voice firm.
     Seth glared at him
but did what he was told. Mr. Reid stooped down and picked up my books, giving
me a warm smile as he handed them over. He walked beside me in silence all the
way to the cafeteria. As he opened the door, he cleared his throat. “I don’t
know what all is going on, but

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