Katie Opens Her Heart

Katie Opens Her Heart by Jerry S. Eicher

Book: Katie Opens Her Heart by Jerry S. Eicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry S. Eicher
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to watch the water stream from the hose and into the tub. Perhaps Da Hah had given them a gut sign last night. Hadn’t Molly survived? That was an encouragement, was it not? Even with the vet bill still coming, it could have been much higher if they hadn’t stayed up and walked Molly. Perhaps this storm would blow over soon, and they could go on with life as it had been.
    Emma loaded the washer with dirty dresses. She paused to listen. Had someone driven down the lane? With all the racket from the washing machine, Emma wasn’t sure. She took a moment to glance outside the basement door, but she didn’t see anyone. She returned to check on the wash before heading upstairs for another hamper of dirty clothes.
    As she walked through the kitchen, a knock sounded on the front door. Emma quickly shoved the hamper underneath the kitchen table before going to answer the door. She paused at the window and noticed a familiar buggy in the driveway. Jesse’s buggy. What nerve the man had, coming around again after she’d firmly sent him on his way last time.
    When she opened the door, she was met with a broad smile and a hearty, “ Gut morning! How are you today, Emma?”
    If he only knew! Emma thought. But then again, it was none of his business. No doubt Jesse had all five of his children under control. He would probably scorn her efforts if he knew the problems she was having with Katie.
    “We’re doing okay.” Emma knew her voice was tense, but the man had no reason to barge in on her like this.
    “I’m glad to hear that.” Jesse was still smiling. “The vet stopped by my place late last night. Some of my cows have mastitis problems so I’ve been working with him. He told me about your bloated cow. I thought I’d stop by after chores this morning to see how you’re doing with her.”
    “We’re doing okay,” Emma repeated, not moving away from the door or inviting the man in. If he thought he was going to weasel his way into her heart by offering to help with her farm troubles, he had another guess coming.
    Jesse seemed unfazed by the look on her face. “Do you mind if I take a look at her? Perhaps there’s some way I can help.”
    “I think Molly’s fine,” Emma said. “Katie and I walked her last evening and again very early this morning. She seems much better.”
    “Is Molly your smaller cow?”
    He is a stubborn man , Emma thought. I have to get rid of him somehow . If answering his questions sends him on down the road faster, then she would do so.
    “ Yah . I have a load of wash going in the basement right now, so I really have to get back to it.”
    “I’ll take a look at your cow then.” Jesse gave her a bright smile. He didn’t wait for an answer before turning and walking across the yard toward the barn.
    Emma watched him go with her mouth open. The gall of the man! If this went on, he would be setting the wedding date with the bishop whether she agreed to it or not. Well, that was not going to happen! Not in a hundred years of him making trips over to take care of her farm or her animals. Emma almost hollered after him to stop, but instead she picked up the hamper and continued down to the basement.
    When the first load had finished, Emma peeked over the basement steps to see if Jesse was still around. If he was, she’d make a quick dash for the wash line by going around the back of the house.
    But his buggy was gone.
    Jesse must not have found anything wrong with Molly so everything was okay. Emma caught herself just before heaving a huge sigh of relief. She pushed the feeling away. That was exactly the reaction Jesse was trying to stir in her heart. She would not be tricked. Molly was fine before he arrived, and Molly was certainly no better off after he left.
    Katie and she would make it through this hard time together. They had to. They only had each other in this harsh world.
    It was then that Emma paused, hearing Katie’s voice echo in her mind. The sound came clear as a bell, “You

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