Kaden's Breeder

Kaden's Breeder by EMMA PAUL

Book: Kaden's Breeder by EMMA PAUL Read Free Book Online
Authors: EMMA PAUL
    Kaden took Carina's hand and led her to the largest of fires in the center of the grounds. Hundreds of couples that had now settled down and began reclining on the soft fur pallets surrounded them
    Carina looked around and found that there was no pallet on the ground for her and Kaden
    She looked quizzically at him.
    "The fertility ceremony will commence with the mating of the high Chieftain and his chosen mate.” He paused a moment as if gauging her reaction, “My father will transfer his title to me this night which is most sacred to my people."
    As he explained, two non-mated warriors were arranging a raised pallet draped with several layers of white and brown furred throws. Once the warriors were done, they looked at Kaden and bowed once, turned and left to join the other non-mated males in the barracks. Carina stared at the pallet for a moment and suddenly realizing what Kaden was telling her, looked at him. Her heart beat faster with shock and sudden fear
    She backed away from him almost staggering in her retreat. “Kaden I can't do this ... I'm not ready for this, please!"
    He reached out and steadied her. “Carina I know that this must be difficult for you, however, it will defy the ancients if we do not mate in their presence this night. The purpose of the ceremony is not only traditional but also symbolic of the procreation of our species
    He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close, “We believe that the spirits of our ancestors watch over us. And in doing so, we must show them that our lineage, the one they started millions of years ago is still alive and fertile. This night was chosen, because it is the most fertile time of our fourteen-month year. Please understand what it means to my people."
    His eyes bore into hers. There was greater meaning behind his words then a simple lesson in Yor religious practices. Alura had informed her of many of the traditions and celebrations the Dregs perform throughout the seasons. Kaden was not about to let her leave him. She felt it in her soul
    His emotions were always kept in check, but she saw the raw determination and anger at her perceived rejection of him, simmering just beneath his steely resolve
    Part of her wanted to rejoice and throw caution to the wind. Another part however, wanted to run and hide from her fucked up emotions. It was so much easier being alone with no responsibility to anyone but herself. Her old life had been so dull, meaningless, but it was hers
    On Yor, she was expected to be more then what she knew she was. She was responsible for things now, important things that could destroy or improve the lives of people she had started to care for
    Most importantly Kaden, her actions were a reflection on him, how could she hurt him, when he had been nothing but kind and caring.
    She held back though, even during their lovemaking, she never really let herself open up to him completely. He needed her to come to him now, to know that she wanted to stay with him of her own free will. He wanted her complete and total acceptance
    Tonight would be a test. If she accepted the mating ceremony, then he would be one step closer to winning her heart and soul
    He stood in front of her still as a statue waiting for her to make a decision.
    She saw the strain in his face, the tension in his muscles as he held himself in check.
    It was her decision. Whatever she did now would most likely change her forever. She knew what she had to do.
    Instead of words, she took his hand and led him to the raised pallet. The moment they settled on the soft bedding, Jarrow and Alura came forward. Drums beat softly behind them and began to thrum rhythmically as Jarrow turned to face Kaden and Carina
    Jarrow began reciting the words of the ancient's. Alura had explained to Carina that this was supposed to happen tonight. When a High Chieftain passed down the title to his successor, he would recite the ceremonial avowal written by the very first civilization on Yor
    The Dregs

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