Justice (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 2)

Justice (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 2) by Rie Warren

Book: Justice (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 2) by Rie Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rie Warren
deeply, nodding slowly, grinding my teeth. Unwilling to break free from her.
    Goose bumps followed the scattered sensation of her fingers and mouth touching me. Thick desire rocketed to my cock, heavy with blood and ready to come. The bastard thing plumped up and thumped hard against the material of my shorts.
    Fuck me. I was so ready my cock was tight, hot, and ripe to burst.
    Tilly’s fingers halted between my third and fourth ribs on my right side before walking along the jagged inked-over scar as if she was reading braille, reading the history I wore on my wounded flesh.
    “ Oh , Justice!” Her lips pressed against my neck. “What was it? What hurt you?”
    I wondered briefly if she meant only the scars on my skin or the ones I carried in my soul, too. “IED. That was a really bad night.”
    She slid fully behind me, running and rubbing her hands up and down my entire back, now easily finding each wound I’d disguised.
    Each caress healed me in a way surgery, stitches, skin grafts never could.
    Folding her hands around my middle, she kissed the center of my back.
    I stiffened all over, growling, “Tilly.”
    She jumped back as if singed. “I’m sorry!”
    I rolled around to face her, my shoulders and heels firmly planted against the wall. “Don’t be. When you touch me like that, I want . . .” I scanned her slowly—the hot cheeks, the disastrous hair, the bright green eyes swathed by eyelashes I’d been close enough to feel like moths’ wings. “I want you.”
    “You said—”
    “Friends. Yeah.” I laughed roughly. “I know what I said. And that’s the way it has to be. I’m dangerous for you.”
    “ I’m not scared.”
    “You should be.” My nostrils flared and my fists clenched.
    Then a bead of sweat formed on her temple.
    My sharp eyes snapped to it.
    The shimmering drop trailed from her temple to her delicate jaw to her long neck before meandering toward the valley between her breasts.
    I ranged forward, tempted beyond sanity.
    I lazily followed the trail with a single fingertip, delving into her slightly damp, very warm cleavage.
    Tilly shivered, cheeks pinked, eyes hooded.
    Removing my finger from her firm tits, I stared into her stunned eyes. No power on earth could stop me from tasting her. Just that one little bit. I licked the wet saltiness slowly from my fingertip, leaning toward the luscious invitation of her lips.
    One final shred of common sense stopped me at the last moment.
    “FUCK!” I barked, backpedaling like my ass was on fire.
    I spun on my heels and stalked out of the room.

Chapter Thirteen
    Master Hacker
    1400 THE NEXT DAY, the chanting from outside gained volume.
    The six of us met up in the kitchen where the wall still bore the mark of the friggin’ wet biscuit dough. I couldn’t get goddamn biscuits—AKA Tilly—out of my head.
    “If I have to listen to this shit for many more days I’m gonna go ballistic.” Walker stabbed a knife into the tabletop.
    “You’re defacing US government property.” Lawless stroked the whiskers on his chin.
    “I’m gonna deface a whole lot more than a fucking table—pardon my language, miss”—he looked at Tilly who lounged against the counter—“when I get my hands on those wastes of oxygen out there.”
    “I think I can handle a few curse words, Walker.” Tilly sighed. “It’s better than what they’re saying, anyway.”
    “You speak the language?” Walker dislodged his KA-BAR and sheathed it.
    “I’m more than a pretty face.”
    With a chuckle, Storm said, “Yeah, that’s pretty boy over there.”
    Asshole pointed at me.
    I cleared my throat, scooting a chair up to the table. “It’s getting louder.”
    “Not much we can do about it.” Bane’s heavy frown was elemental to him.
    “We could take a look,” I said.
    “A look? How?” Tilly approached me, sitting down right next to me.
    “Yeah. I could see if any of the security cameras on the perimeter are still online.”

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