
Justice by Jennifer Harlow

Book: Justice by Jennifer Harlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Harlow
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paper, he seemed like a legitimate businessman with a crush. It was Justice who suggested that the gala and kidnapping were connected. Within three days, it was confirmed. James Ryder was Alkaline, the supervillain who ran Diablo’s Ward. With this revelation, the biggest manhunt in the city’s history was underway. The psycho made his first mistake in all his years. Love makes even the most methodical sloppy.
    “ James showed up hours later with my still packed suitcase. I begged him to let me go, but he refused. I spent the first few days curled up in a ball in bed almost catatonic. James would just open the door and check on me like a nurse does a patient. He’d say, ‘Everything will be alright, Grace. I promise,’ and he’d leave. Hunger finally got the best of me, and I left the bed to eat. Mind you, I only had the finest. All my favorites from the top restaurants. The room had a TV, books, all I could want. He knew all my tastes.
    “ I think it was the fifth day that I was allowed out of my room. We were underground somewhere, so there were no windows and most doors were locked. There were guards on duty at all times, but I could walk around. I had access to the living room, dining room, office, and kitchen, though the forks and knives were locked up. ”
    “ He took you home, ” I say.
    “ Yes. And he treated me like a guest. As best as I can figure, with hindsight mind you, he brought me there so I would fall in love with him. For us to get to know each other better. He believed that if I was alone with him, and we spent enough time together, I’d forget about Chad and love him instead. At the time I just knew to play along with whatever he wanted. We’d play chess or watch movies, and we’d always have dinner together. ”
    “ Did he talk to you about his crimes? His accomplices? ”
    “ Some. He spoke about his childhood in the Ward, coming into his power. I gave the names he mentioned and crimes when I was rescued. I haven’t been able to recall any others since. ”
    “ What about places? ”
    “ None, ” she says sadly, “ and since last night I’ve been trying. I want him caught as much as you do. Probably more. ”
    “ That’s okay, ” I say with a sympathetic smile. This is a waste of time. I’m not doing anything but torturing her now. I start to stand up, but she grows tense.
    “ You’re leaving? ” she asks.
    “ I can get the rest of this from the case files. You don’t have to— ”
    “ I want to, ” she says. “ I need to. I need you to hear it. So you can understand who you’re dealing with. So when he’s in your sights, you don’t hesitate. ”
    A chill fills the room spurred on by her voice. I sit again. “ Okay. ”
    Grace’s gaze moves to the outside of her window. “ I did my best to be a good prisoner. I was attentive when he’d drone on for hours about Justice and his crimes. I’d help him make dinner. And yes, I even let him kiss me on a few occasions. He actually believed I loved him after a week or two. But at night when I was locked back in my room, I’d cry myself to sleep. Every night. ”
    “ What happened the day you escaped? ”
    “ He’d just had the fight with Justice at the library. ”
    Ryder was at the library in a disguise, but a patron still recognized him and called the police. Justice got there first. It took a year before they could re-open it. Many said it was a miracle that the entire place didn’t collapse. If you look closely, you can see the patches they had to put in where the acid ate away the wall.
    “ He was so enraged, like nothing I had ever seen before. I can only equate it to demonic possession. He threw things, destroyed a chair, and…even killed one of the guards who tried to calm him down. ” Tears glisten in her eyes. “ His body…there was nothing left of his chest but blood and pulp. I ran screaming into my room, barricading the door with anything I could. I was so terrified, I huddled in the corner.

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