Just the Way You Are

Just the Way You Are by Lynsey James Page A

Book: Just the Way You Are by Lynsey James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynsey James
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devastated Gwen was. Inky black mascara trails ran down her face and her eyes were red and swollen. It was heart-breaking to see someone so happy and full of life reduced to this.
    ‘I’ll put the kettle on.’ Max showed his true Yorkshire roots and disappeared into the kitchen to make tea.
    I led Gwen into the living room and sat her down on the sofa. She hugged her knees to her chest and lowered her head.
    ‘How could I be so stupid?’ Her voice was so quiet I almost didn’t pick her up.
    ‘It’s not your fault; you weren’t to know he was married,’ I soothed. I shuffled along next to her and put my arm around her shoulders.
    ‘This happens every bloody time though, doesn’t it?’ She uncurled her body and her voice became clearer. ‘I meet a nice guy who has a bit of money, he flashes the cash and I don’t bother to ask any questions.’
    ‘Maybe it’s time to change your type,’ I agreed. ‘Go for someone who maybe doesn’t have a lot of money but has other things instead. Money isn’t everything after all, is it?’
    She sighed heavily. ‘No but at least the people I like are real.’
    ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ I asked.
    Before Gwen could explain herself, Max came through with three steaming hot mugs of tea.
    ‘Do we need any biscuits or…?’
    I shook my head and smiled, beckoning him to sit down. This was textbook Max: he always wanted to feel like he was being useful and helping everyone. That usually involved making industrial amounts of food and many mugs of tea.
    ‘Feeling better now, Gwen?’ he asked.
    She nodded and sniffed loudly before sipping her tea. ‘Much better thanks; this tea’s ace!’
    I felt pretty unsettled by what she’d said earlier but decided not to make an issue of it. She was upset and probably hadn’t meant anything by it.
    As Gwen regaled us with tales of Tom’s wife Sheree bawling and shouting when she’d found them in bed together, Max’s hand gently slipped into mine. For reasons I couldn’t explain, I liked it being there.
    That night, long after Gwen had gone to bed and Max had headed home, I sat on the laptop in search of Mr Writer number two – Adam Johnson. Because he had a common surname, he was proving tricky to pin down. I decided to take a break from it and type up a blog post about that day’s experiences.
    Hey guys!
    Well I thought I was going to have some great news for you today but unfortunately, my search for Mr Writer is still ongoing. I met up with a guy I thought could be him but needless to say, it was a complete disaster. To put it politely, he was a sleazebag and invited me to a hotel so we could “get to know each other better”. I didn’t take him up on his very kind offer and left. Luckily, my best friend Max was there to make sure nothing bad happened to me. He also provided the comfort food afterwards. Yes ladies, he is single so form an orderly queue!
    Even though what happened today annoyed and disappointed me, I’m not giving up. I still have two more guys to track down so hope isn’t quite lost yet and even if they turn out to be nutters as well, I’ll keep looking until I find him. The letters starting up again has made me realise how much he means to me and that I want to be with him more than anything else in the world. That might sound crazy considering I’ve never met him before but when it’s right, you just know. I have a great feeling about him: how could I not when he’s written such beautiful letters to me?
    Hopefully I’ll have more updates for you as time goes on. Keep dreaming!
    Ava x
    I hit the Publish button and sighed happily. I was really enjoying keeping up to date with my blog. It was giving me something to do and was a way of tracking my search for Mr Writer. I looked through some of the comments on my previous post and smiled.

Go Ava! You so deserve to find this guy, post pics when you do! Xx

Looking forward to reading you journey to find true love.

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