Just Tell Me (The Justice Series)

Just Tell Me (The Justice Series) by Emma Appleton

Book: Just Tell Me (The Justice Series) by Emma Appleton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Appleton
seen her so cut up over a man before “I haven’t exactly got anywhere with Edward, he practically ran away from me when I kissed him”. Nicole almost spat her drink out at the image of her friend chasing the poor guy down the street.  “It’s not funny” Anna laughed “He actually ran away from me. Anyway enough about him, tell me more about this Daniel and what you plan to do?”
    Nicole secretly thought Anna was wasting her time with Edward , that Finance Director, it sounded like he wasn’t interested.  Even though Anna was clearly upset about the situation, she felt sorry for the geeky accountant and thought her friend deserved everything she got, treating men like toys.
    Nicole stopped laughing as she picked at her bread and thought about Daniel “Oh Anna, it was like, I don’t know, like he knew me” she shook her head “We had a real connection, and then he saw me with Andrew...”  She trailed off “He’s not going to contact me is he?”  Her throat tightened “It was the first time in my life I just let my hair down, I was a different person with him”. Nicole brushed away the tears that had started to fall. “And this is just so stupid, I have to get on with my life not pine over a guy I only knew for three days”. 
    She stood up and looked at Anna. “At least Andrew has finally got the message.  He’s a complete bastard Anna, I hate him, but until I win the lottery or the economy recovers we are stuck together in that sodding flat”
    Anna nodded her head in agreement, unable to speak her mouth full of br ead, she took a drink of wine “You need to get out, can’t you go and live with your parents for a while?”
    Nicole remembered Andrews words the weekend before when she tried to leave, she needed to change the subject before she confessed his abuse “Anyway enough of this” Nicole brushed some crumbs into her hand from the table “I want salmon, can we use your gas bbq?” 
    Anna walked out onto her terrace and uncovered the bbq. “Be my guest”.  Nicole turned the di al and pressed the ignition as the machine sparked into life.   She placed the salmon in foil with some butter, lemon and herbs, feeling the heat as she placed it on the hot grill.  The evening sun set over the city and Nicole stood and looked over the city rooftops.  Just like Edinburgh.  Anna topped her wine glass up and put her arm round her friend, breaking her thoughts.
    “You know it will all work out in the end , Nicole”. 
    Nicole laughed hollowly “I can’ t see it that way at the moment, I need to face up to never seeing him again”.  Her friend put her head on her shoulder and they stood and watched the sun set together over the city.
    Half an hour later the salmon was cooked, and despite Anna’s earlier disapproval of Nicole’s domestic tendencies she finished it.  “That was delicious, you know you are wasted as a solicitor, I think you should run a restaurant”.
    “One day, you know I will, I just need to earn some decent money first, I’m more determined than ever now, it’s not like I am going to meet anyone, and having a family is off the agenda” Nicole pushed her salmon round the plate with her fork and smiled sadly as she looked at her friend “Do you want children and all that Anna?”
    “Maybe, I don’t know. I have to meet a man first, one that actually likes me.  Drink some more wine Nicole, let’s get pissed”.  Anna diverted the conversation, she could see she was getting upset again and she could sense there was more to Nicole’s life than she was letting on “Come on, let’s put some music on and sing to some old favourites? No Depeche Mode though!” 
    Nicole smiled sadly, that was fine with her , the music had memories of Daniel and she took another sip of her wine.  The two friends sat on the floor and reminisced while their favourite songs played through the speakers.  Anna grabbed a bottle of Italian brandy and Nicole already knew she would have a

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