Just One Golden Kiss

Just One Golden Kiss by M. A. Thomas

Book: Just One Golden Kiss by M. A. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. A. Thomas
clothes and the broom,” he said and disappeared.
    Seconds later, he was back.
    “Your dress is slightly ripped, forgive me,” he said, handing it to her.
    “Ah, yes, I bet you’re very sorry you tore my dress,” she said with a chuckle.
    Smiling, he put on his trousers and shirt.
    She threw on her dress and tugged at the torn collar. “Barely noticeable.”
    “It’s noticeable to me,” he said.
    “Quit it. You’re not helping.”
    He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the nose. “I adore you. Ripped clothes and all.”
    “I’m a princess, you know,” she said. “Accustomed to only the finest of things.”
    He tilted his head and then leaned in for another kiss. This time his mouth met hers.
    “What a lovely couple,” a voice said.
    Three men and a woman encircled them.
    Eldrich got in front of Lela and extended his arms. “Why are you here, Zaul?”
    The man whom Eldrich had called Zaul moved in closer. Taller than Eldrich, he had long, flowing hair which fell past his waist. His face was scarred and he wore a patch on one eye. Lela had a suspicion that the newcomers were vampires.
    “So lovely, indeed,” he said, his gaze on Lela.
    “Without the golden ball, you have no claim on her,” Eldrich said.
    Zaul sighed and then sighed again. “Yes, yes, we know.”
    “But yet, we still find ourselves wanting her. Look at her, she’s delicious,” the woman vampire said, locking hands with Zaul.
    “You’re rather selfish, Eldrich,” Zaul said. “But then, you’ve always been selfish. Does she know who you really are?”
    “Be on your way!” Eldrich said.
    Lela bent down to pick up the broom. She considered getting on it and demanding it take her away, but she couldn’t leave Eldrich and what’s more, she wasn’t sure if the broom would obey her since they hadn’t completed their mission.
    “You have a witch’s broom? Fascinating. What are you two up to?” Zaul asked.
    “We ask the same of you. Why are you here?” Eldrich asked.
    “Sweetheart, have you seen gold in the forest lately?” Zaul asked, staring at Lela.
    Lela came from behind Eldrich. She’d not let this vampire humiliate her.
    “A dusting of gold among leaves does not constitute a golden ball,” she said.
    “My, my, she’s brave. Very nice,” Zaul said.
    “Unless you see a golden ball here, get on your way,” Lela said and swallowed. Keep still knees, keep still.
    “We may not be able to claim you yet, but don’t think the golden ball isn’t coming for you. The dusting you saw is its way of letting you know it’s finding its way back,” Zaul said.
    All of the vampires then rose into the air, hovering over Lela and Eldrich.
    “By the look on your face, you had no idea some vampires can fly,” Zaul said to Lela. “Oh, Eldrich, you disappoint. Have you told her nothing about our kind?”
    “Let us be,” Eldrich said.
    “Ah, yes, for now, only for now,” Zaul said.
    “Can you fly?” Lela asked Eldrich after Zaul and the other vampires flew off.
    “No,” he said, taking her hand.
    “Are you keeping anything from me?” she asked.
    She let go of his hand and locked eyes with him. “Tell me.”
    “I love you. I would give my life for you.”
    “And I would do the same for you. But if we’re to live together, I must know what secret you’re keeping from me.”
    “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.” He got on his knees.
    Lela was tempted to tell him that whatever he was hiding from her wouldn’t make a difference. That she would stay with him no matter what he told her. But she couldn’t bring herself to say those words.
    His eyes welling up, he said, “I’m the Prince of the Barmoth vampires.”
    Stepping back, she said, “What? What does that mean?”
    Bloody hell!
    He put his face in his hands and stood. “I wanted to tell you.”
    “Why didn’t you? For bloody hell, blessed Gods’ sake, you’re a prince, a real prince.” She picked up a stick

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