Just Her Luck

Just Her Luck by Jeanette Lynn

Book: Just Her Luck by Jeanette Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanette Lynn
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    Ephraim made a move towards Thatcher, hands reaching out towards him, but I stepped in between them, putting an outstretched hand on Ephraim's chest to stop his advance, the other stretched out towards Thatcher.
    They both pushed up against the resistance, their muscled chests pressing against my palms, the warmth of their skin seeping into my fingers through their shirts.
    Damn guys are heaters , I reflected for a second, wishing I had that kind of internal warmth in the winter. Then I wouldn't need so many damn blankets!!
    "You've been itchin' for a fight all week! You just can't stand the thought that someone might not see you and want you right off!" Ephraim growled.
    "Bull shit!!" Thatcher growled back, both of them poised to pounce, ignoring me as I tried to separate them.
    "Hey!" I whistled and their heads shot towards me, distracting them from their glaring match. "Eyes and ears down here!"
    "Back up, fellas. You heard the lady," Bowen rumbled out, making a move towards us, letting the guys no he wasn't going to let anything happen, his thick body flexing with his movements.
    Paint him green and he's just like a certain beloved, by me, television and comic book character I'd always crushed on.
    "Will somebody tell me what's going on around here?" I shrieked, getting frustrated when Thatcher and Ephraim seemed to mentally shrug for a minute and start right back up with each other.
    Not the fighting part, but the insults.
    I growled at them in irritation, and they finally stopped, finally noticing my distress.
    "Don't get all worked up, lamb chop," Thatcher cajoled, cupping his hand over mine on his chest, immediately softening his voice as he talked soothingly to me.
    I slapped at his hand, pulling mine back when he dropped his to his side.
    "And that's another thing! No pet names! I don’t care if you’re just teasing or not. I am not your snookums, sweetheart, love muffin, honey lamb, or whatever else kind of crap, hallmark rejected nicknames you can come up with!"
    "But, lamb, uh..."
    "Call me that one more time, Thatcher Harrison, and I will lamb your chop! Pork your honey! Gah! Wait, I didn't say that right!" I glared at him as he smothered a smile. "You know what I fuckin' mean! So knock it off!"
    The guys stifled laughter at my kooky outburst, amused by my flub.
    "What the hell is going on in here?" Reeve thundered as he stormed into the room, trademark scowl firmly in place.
    I could just imagine a wrestling announcer shouting out our names as we squared off against one another.
    Let’s get ready to rumble!!!
    “Don’t you yell at me you overgrown… man-child!"
    He coughed into his hand at that, his fingers smoothing out around his mouth, like he was smothering a smirk.
    "Man-child? How the hell am I a man-child?" he demanded, but his voice held absolutely no heat, flipping switches, swiftly amused now, leaning against the wall casually, his sudden three sixty in attitude unsettling.
    For some reason, this bothered me even more.
    Maybe he's bipolar...
    "Mooning people went out with the teen years, buster! So did taunting and scaring off the hired help! Now it just makes you seem like a desperate man-child! I feel truly sorry for whoever was dumb and or gullible enough to voluntarily have babysat someone like you!”
    He stopped hiding the smirk, and I growled.
    Ah, fuck! I get it now. Bastard is smiling because he’s finally gotten a reaction out of me.
    Well, shit.
    I let myself slip up, damn it!
    Erm, with him, anyways. I don’t mask anything with my guys, obviously.
    "Of course you'd grin like that when I'm pissed off at you," I growled at him, uncaring if I let on this time that he's gotten to me, won this round. "This isn't over, moonshine, it's just begun," I hissed at him.
    I turned to address my four guys once again.
    "I am not some delicate flower you all need to walk on egg shells around. It's not a big deal! I. Am. Fine! REALLY! So quit it! Your special treatment is making me

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