Just Grace and the Terrible Tutu

Just Grace and the Terrible Tutu by Charise Mericle Harper Page A

Book: Just Grace and the Terrible Tutu by Charise Mericle Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charise Mericle Harper
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moved away for four months?" I was so surprised that if I hadn't already written down Jasmine, I would have for sure forgotten it. And that would have been too bad, because Jasmine is a really good girl name.
    "Why are there so many surprises all of a sudden? Why can't there just be one new thing at a time? Why do we have to have a hundred new things and changes all on the same day?" Mom gave me her look that means
I don't know what you are talking about
Can you please calm down?
She uses the same look for two different things. After she does the look she always puts her hands on her hips.

    Sometimes that part makes me smile because I am watching for it to happen, and then when it happens I think,
Ah-ha! I knew you were going to do that.
    "Okay, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Where did Mrs. Luther go?" I tried extra hard not to use my attitude voice. If Mom even thinks I am using the attitude voice she gives me her big talk about attitude. And I didn't want to hear about appropriate voice choices—I wanted to hear about Mrs. Luther. It took Mom a long time to explain the Mrs. Luther story. She added a lot of details that I was not very interested in. Superlong stories can sometimes be tiring, and you might have to move around a lot while listening.

    Mrs. Luther, my neighbor, had left her house and gone to work at another school for four months. It was a teacher emergency thing. She was like a superhero substitute.

    This part of the story was not very exciting. Mrs. Luther is nice, but I was pretty sure I wasn't going to miss her very much while she was away. I do not go to her house or even see her very often. Mom was still talking, but I was having trouble listening because suddenly my brain was full of thinking about Crinkles. Crinkles is Mrs. Luther's cat, and just about the nicest cat in the whole world. Everyone that meets him just falls totally and madly in love with him.

    I had to stop Mom's story right that minute, even though she was not finished talking. "Mom! What about Crinkles? Did she take him too?" I was asking this because the person who maybe loves Crinkles the most in the whole world lives right downstairs in my basement. If Mrs. Luther had taken Crinkles away, Augustine Dupre was for sure going to have a broken heart!
    Of course Mom didn't know anything about Crinkles. She is not very good about collecting important information. Even though she loves to watch police shows, she would be a terrible detective.

    While Mrs. Luther was gone, a French family that was friends with Augustine Dupre was going to move in. They were going to stay in Mrs. Luther's house so that they could be away from their own house while it was getting a new kitchen. This was the 100 percent exciting part of the story! Augustine Dupre is one of my most favorite people ever, and now we were going to get to live next door to some of her fancy French friends!
    I lifted my arms up and said, "Mom, wow!" This is the new saying I made up for Mom. I only use it when she tells me some thing amazing, or when we are together and something super-good happens. It's special and just for her. She loves it!

    Of course now I was dying to go downstairs and talk to Augustine Dupre. Usually I am not allowed to visit her after six p.m. or dinner, whichever comes first. Mom's big saying is "Grace, Augustine Dupre is not paying rent for the privilege of constantly entertaining a chatty eight-year-old." But this time even though it was after six-thirty, she did not say that. Instead she said, "Okay, go ahead." Maybe it was the power of the MOM, WOW.

    Augustine Dupre has the best apartment ever. It is colorful and glamorous, and every time I see it, she has some kind of new French decoration making it look even fancier. She pretty much gets new stuff from France every week. Augustine Dupre is a flight attendant for a French airline, and if you like to

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