Just a Little Hope

Just a Little Hope by Amy J. Norris

Book: Just a Little Hope by Amy J. Norris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy J. Norris
cleats with his feet, Carter blew out a sigh of relief. He put the cleats in the locker and threw his jersey on top of them. These were the times he was glad they had an equipment manager who took care of the disaster his uniform became after a hard-played nine innings.
    Seb dropped in the chair next to him. “Hey, man. I was wondering if you’d like to take Tori out on your own tomorrow. I want to take Pax to the beach, just the two of us.”
    Carter grinned at the thought. A few hours with Tori? It sounded like a great idea.
    â€œThat’d be great. Thanks.”
    â€œI figured you might want to spend some time alone with her. You can just ride on back to the house with us if you like, and I’ll give you the keys to one of my cars for you to use.”
    â€œAre you sure? I can get a taxi or just get a rental.
    â€œThere’s no need to go to the trouble. I’ve got two cars sitting in the garage that rarely get driven. Trust me; it will be doing me a service if you’ll use one of them.”
    â€œWell, if you’re sure, man. Absolutely.”
    â€œGreat! I think we’re going to head out for something to eat with Linc and Rangy. I’ll let you know when we’re ready to go.”
    â€œSounds great.”
    Carter relaxed back in the chair and stared into his locker. What could he and Tori do tomorrow? She’d mentioned how much she loved the weather. Maybe they could hit the beach, too? It seemed like Seb had mentioned one not too far from his condo.
    The ringing of his cell phone interrupted his thoughts. When he looked at the Caller ID, he almost chose to ignore it. Closing his eyes, he offered a silent prayer. Please don’t let this be anything major. I can’t deal with it right now.
    â€œHey, bro! How are you?” He shook his head, listening to her slurred speech.
    â€œWhere are you?”
    â€œWhere else would I be? I’m in Okleehomee.”
    â€œAre you in trouble?”
    â€œTrouble? I’m not in trouble. I just wanted to catch up with my big brother. We were out tonight, and your game was on the TV. You did good, Carter. Real good.”
    â€œDanielle, please tell me you aren’t driving?”
    â€œI’m not that stupid. Gimme a break. Dax is driving.”
    Dax. Carter’s fears multiplied exponentially at the mention of Dani’s on and off boyfriend.
    â€œHas he been drinking?”
    â€œYou worry too much. We’re fine. In fact, we’re better than fine. We’re just great.”
    â€œI think I need to call someone.”
    â€œNo! Carter. No, you don’t! Just leave me be, okay? You’re always trying to put an end to anything remotely fun. You are such a goody-goody. Just leave me alone.”
    The phone went silent in his ear. She’d hung up on him. Again.
    Carter dropped his head between his knees and tried to cool off his building anger to his irresponsible little sister. Why, Lord? Why?
    â€œYo, Carter! We’re ready to head out. Ya’ coming?”
    Carter lifted his head and looked over in the direction to where Seb and his fellow teammates were waiting.
    â€œYeah. Gimme two seconds, and I’ll be right with you. I just need to make a quick phone call.”
    â€œSure, man. We’ll be outside with the girls.”
    Carter waved as they left the locker room and poked the number one button on his speed dial.
    â€œHey, Dad. I think we might have a problem. Dani just called, and she’s wasted.”

Chapter Sixteen

    Tori’s excitement about going out with Carter and the others tempered when he didn’t seem to be too enthused with the idea. Distracted didn’t begin to describe him. Carter’s behavior unsettled her to no end.
    Oh, he was a perfect gentleman. Carter opened her car door and smiled at all the right times. But there was something preventing him from being with her in the moment. Tori played with her food and on

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