John: The Senior Killer

John: The Senior Killer by Robert Waggoner

Book: John: The Senior Killer by Robert Waggoner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Waggoner
Tags: murder thriller
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charges be. This was becoming so bizarre and complicated
it was making her mind change gears to keep up with the rapidly
changing events of this drama.
    Steve asked a few questions
as Norm got up and made a phone call to his office reporting the
story of Sujin encounters with the suspect. He’s been contacted
earlier by the agent at the farm that indeed they took his picture
and got his DNA. Other than that he reported the guy only blubbered
and cried the whole time. He was acting like a ten year old kid,
the agent reported. As to the escape route, the agents found a
trail and a place where a vehicle had been parked on an old logging
road. It had been drizzling rain most of the time and there was a
dry place under some trees next to a gravel road just off the main
Bald Hills road, but out of sight from anyone parked near or at the
farm itself.
    Brad took all this in and
said, trying to ease the tension around the table. “Look, whether
or not he intended us to find the farm through the pig book the
fact remains we did. We found him and he held the ace in the hole
by buying enough time to make good his escape. Now if the one clue
was left by him, then that means more clues are waiting for us. The
books will tell us his next move and I think our business here is
over for now. We will leave the FBI to do their jobs finding out
the DNA and following up on the death of father JJ. I think we will
find out the father was murdered and most likely it was John that
committed the murder of his father. Now, one more thing, this guy
followed us here and I don’t want him following us to Oregon.
Steve, tell the pilot to file a flight plan to Seattle and then a
flight plan to Salt Lake City. Meanwhile we will drive to Portland
and meet him there at the international airport next to the
Columbia River.”
    Before leaving Brad had a
private word and left Norm a phone number committed to memory after
he gathered the facts about the lawyer who drew up the document;
the father’s cause of death; and the case history of Paul Mitchell,
the retarded member of the family.
    In case they were followed
the FBI had a method of deception for just this purpose. First they
drove to the shopping mall. A large eighteen wheel truck stood
backed into an unloading dock next to the J.C. Penny store. At the
opposite side of the store, where the follower might be waiting
thinking they would just walk through the store and out the other
side into waiting cars, they would in fact enter the trailer of the
truck. It was custom designed in the back for on location
communications and other vital needs of the FBI. Thirty minutes
later they were headed down the I-5 southbound to Portland. In the
first rest area a van waited for the passengers to continue down to
Portland. Even Mike was impressed as he sat on a sofa next to the
wall. He was quite comfortable and took a nap until the rest

Chapter 7
    Back at what was
euphemistically known as the Round House, the team sat around the
floor eating another delicious Korean dinner. Another storm or as
Wendy thought, maybe the same one hammered rain against the
windows. A nice wood fire kept the damp out of the air. Rocky
replaced Sandy at Brad’s side. Wendy was famished as she used her
chopsticks in a dish she had heard Sujin
say it was mandu . They looked like homemade
dumplings and tasted wonderful. Mostly she was told they were
filled with vegetables with only a little ground chicken, and of
course steamed brown rice and baked fish round off dinner. Billy
was happy everyone was back. He’d told the team he had some
important results from the computer and was anxious to share the
news with the team. He gobbled down dinner and headed for the door
to chain smoke a few cigarettes before the after dinner meeting.
Agent Jones was there with the books. Brad was satisfied all was
going as well as could be expected.
    Agent Jones had arrived in
the morning. Earie was expecting him. After unloading the books he
went for a

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