Chronus is taking good care of her.” Rafe laughed; He rested his hand lightly against her waist as they went in to the dining room. Two hours later Javier pulled the blankets up round Beatriz’s chin and kissed her gently on the forehead. Sitting on the edge of the colourful bed covered with an assortment of fluffy toys he watched his daughter’s sleeping face. Almost four months had passed since he had brought her to the Island to live with him. After Charlotte’s death he had left her with his parents in Spain; he had barely been capable of looking after himself let alone a two year old child. He had visited whenever he could. It had been Hera who had suggested he bring her to the Island to live and it had been the best thing he had done for years. She filled him with happiness and it was good for her to have the company of other children. Moving quietly into his adjoining bedroom he went through the usual motions of getting ready for bed then stretched out between the cool sheets trying to relax his body. He felt tense and wired up. He was stuck with babysitting Cassia Mathrafal and he was sure she wasn’t going to make life easy for him. The sooner he could send her packing back to her very dubious lifestyle the better. He turned restlessly onto his stomach and buried his head in the pillow. He could hear Cassia’s voice in his head singing to young Rose and the image of her face, gentle and tender flashed into his mind; so different from her usual wary combative glare. Rafe had certainly made her laugh; he had watched the two of them together all through dinner as that low hum inside him seemed to grow louder and louder. Javier threw himself onto his back again and stared up at the ceiling as he touched his hand to his mouth. Sweet and rich like wine; he had no idea why he had taken her wrist and closed up those wounds, tasting her blood. It had felt as though he was being drawn across the room to her side without any conscious thought. The scent of her filled his senses every time she was near him; exotic and sensuous like frankincense. With an exasperated curse he got out of bed, switched on a lamp and uncapping the bottle of single malt sitting on the chest of drawers poured himself a generous measure. His eyes fell on the framed photograph of Charlotte and he picked it up and stood looking at it as he sipped. He felt guilty; as though he was being unfaithful. Cassia was not his type, she was not. If he shut his eyes he could see her standing in LaSalle’s study; tall and long legged in her black clothes and biker boots with those flashing deep blue eyes and silky raven black hair sweeping down past her waist. She reminded him of the heroine from LaSalle’s son’s favourite film about the tomb raider. Yes, she would have been perfect for that role. Yet he sensed a vulnerability and softness about her that she hid behind an outward show that was all aggressive sharp edges and attitude. Javier sighed and returned the photograph to its place, running his forefinger gently over Charlotte’s image. No, Cassia was definitely not his type and it was obvious he wasn’t her type either. She was awkward, prickly and skittish around him whereas she’d laughed and flirted with Rafe as though she’d known him for years. She had obviously fallen for his brand of worldly urbane sophisticated charm. Tossing back the last of the whisky he got back into bed where sleep eluded him for hours until he finally fell into a restless troubled doze.
CHAPTER 8 Cassia sat moodily on the bottom step of the great staircase waiting for Beatriz. She had only exchanged a few words with Javier after dinner; he was going to accompany her to London to meet up with one of her contacts. She wished she could go on her own but she had given LaSalle her word. Reluctantly she admitted to herself that it would be a sensible precaution to have Javier as back-up but she had lied to LaSalle and she didn’t know how Javier would