Janus' Conquest

Janus' Conquest by Dawn Ryder Page A

Book: Janus' Conquest by Dawn Ryder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Ryder
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sidearm directly over the closest one’s heart.
    The pulse beam weapon could deliver a fatal dose of heat to the organ with the touch of a button. But in so tight a space, he would have to take the second one with his bare hands. That suited him well enough. He lowered it as his eyes took in the features of his uninvited guests. Hunters Gilson and Fratz were newer additions to the force, but he had seen them. What didn’t make sense was the civilian clothing both males wore. The sleeves of the tunics pulled down over their Hunter communication bands.
    “And state why you have entered this dwelling.” It wasn’t official, or they would have come in uniform. Janus felt his temper rise as he contemplated the only thing of value in the dwelling—Fay, but she belonged to him.
    “It’s none of your concern.” Fratz’s voice betrayed his lack of confidence. The younger Hunter shifted on his feet but stepped back as he took in Janus. Even with the disruptor back on Janus’ belt, neither man looked any more at ease.
    “It is very much my concern. This dwelling is used by a female. You entered it without her permission. State your official business or report your transgression to your commander.” Janus stepped forward and shot a hard glare at the younger Hunter.
    “Because I will do so before midday tomorrow.”
    Gilson swallowed roughly. The male tried to hide the nervous motion by coughing.
    Janus didn’t believe it. His gut burned with suspicion and he trusted his instincts.
    Gilson shrugged before he offered him a lewd smirk.
    “We just came for Fay. You understand how it is. Fratz is my partner. We might not be promoted yet but we’ll share the females between us. No need for her to become a prostitute among the convicts.”
    Oh no! Fay watched from the shadows of her sleeping chamber. No need for her to sell her body to convicts when there were plenty of Hunters who would use her cheerfully. She wanted to blister their ears before ejecting them from her father’s dwelling, but the tingle of pain between her thighs held her back. She was not as noble as her temper might like. Righteous anger hadn’t interrupted the sweet flow of heat that 73
    Dawn Ryder
    had seen her welcoming Janus into her body, so there was little point in screaming at the next pair of males who thought the same of her.
    Janus stiffened. She watched his neck tense as he stepped right up and loomed over one of the invaders. “Fay is a free female. You have used your Hunter authority dishonorably to enter this dwelling. Get out.”
    They left and too fast. Fay watched the way both males abandoned the field in the face of Janus. Power radiated off him—it always had. That was the thing she was addicted to. The strength and the knowledge that he was more aggressive than any other male she had seen. Maybe it was a fatal flaw in her character, but she didn’t want either of the two males who had just scurried out of her front door without a single protest. No, all they wanted was her body, and only if it came simply. Neither of them would have spent months pursing her.
    “Yet you used your authority to enter.”
    Janus turned swiftly. His face was a hard mask of pure intent until he recognized her and scanned the room behind her for anyone else. His features relaxed as one side of his mouth rose in a grin. “I rang the chime first. Three times.” He stepped towards her and stroked one side of her cheek. His fingers stopped under one eye and traced the dark circle she knew was marking her light skin. “I didn’t think that you might be sleeping at such an early hour. But your bands reported you inside. I was concerned.”
    “I see.” Her words were a mere whisper because his explanation touched her tenderly. His demands made her passion soar, but the moments when he took the time to explain things to her invaded her heart with a rich flow of affection. There was no thinking about it. Feelings didn’t wait for the brain to sort them out or

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