Jaine Austen 4 - Shoes to Die For

Jaine Austen 4 - Shoes to Die For by Laura Levine Page B

Book: Jaine Austen 4 - Shoes to Die For by Laura Levine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Levine
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as if to prove her right, at that moment the doorbell rang. Two cute young cops stood at the door. If they hadn’t been in uniform, you’d think they were there to pick up the girls for a double date. But they were in uniform, and this was not a social call. The taller of the two cops, obviously the team spokesman, stepped forward.
    “Ms. Kopek?” he asked.
    Becky nodded. “That’s me.”
    “I’m afraid we’re going to have to take you downtown for questioning.”
    Surprisingly, Becky didn’t cry.
    “I’ll get my purse,” she said, nodding stiffly, then started down the hallway to the bedroom.
    “Don’t forget a sweater,” Nina called out after her. “And put on some long pants. It’s chilly outside.” Then she turned to me, her brow furrowed with concern. “I hope she doesn’t catch the flu. Seven out of a hundred flu cases can lead to fatal complications.”
    Another fun fact from Nurse Nina.
    Minutes later, Becky came back out, in jeans and an oversized sweatshirt.
    “Why don’t I come with you?” Nina said.
    “Sorry,” the spokesman cop said. “Just Ms. Kopek.”
    Reluctantly Nina let her go.
    “I was just about to leave,” I said. “Do you mind if I ride down in the elevator with you?”
    “Not at all,” he said, his face as impassive as a piece of toast.
    So I rode down the elevator with Becky and the cops. When we got outside I hugged her good-bye.
    “Don’t worry. You’ll be back in no time.”
    “Yeah, right,” she said, her voice tiny with fear.
    The cops led her away, her flip flops clacking mournfully on the sidewalk. She slid in to the backseat of the squad car, then turned around and waved at me through the rear window, like a frightened kid leaving home for the first time.
    I stood there, watching the car disappear into traffic, hoping the cops would go easy on a girl with daisies on her toes.


    To: Jausten
    From: DaddyO
    Subject: No-Talent Hack!

    Alistair St. Germaine is a no-talent hack who wouldn’t know a good performance if it bit him on the fanny.

    To: Jausten
    From: Shoptillyoudrop
    Subject: The Strangest Thing

    Honey, I’m afraid I’ve got bad news. Daddy didn’t get the part. Mr. St. Germaine cast himself in the lead as Lord Worthington. He gave Daddy the part of the butler. Poor Daddy’s got only one line: “Very good, sir.” Although he does get to say it six different times throughout the play. Needless to say, he’s furious.

    But guess what? Remember how nervous I was about getting up on stage and feeding Daddy his lines? Well, the strangest thing happened. Once I got up there, I wasn’t scared at all. Before I knew it, I was having fun. Anyhow, you’ll never believe this (I still can’t!), but Mr. St. Germaine was so impressed with the way I read the part of Lady Worthington, he cast me as his leading lady! At first I turned it down. After all, it was Daddy who wanted to be in the play, not me. But Mr. St. Germaine was so persuasive, I just couldn’t say no. He said the play wouldn’t be the same without me. So your little ole mom is going to play the part of Lady Cynthia Worthington in the world premiere of Lord Worthington’s Ascot . Isn’t that exciting?

    Of course, Daddy is furious with me, and I probably should have turned down the part to keep peace in the house, but like I said, I just couldn’t say no to Mr. St. Germaine. Who, by the way, insists that I call him Alistair.

    More later—

    To: DaddyO
    From: Jausten

    Hi, Daddy. Mom told me what happened at the audition. I’m sorry you didn’t get the lead. But I’m sure you’ll be terrific as the butler.

    To: Jausten
    From: DaddyO
    Subject: The Germ

    The only reason I agreed to play the butler in that stupid play is because I want to keep an eye on Mr. No-Talent Alistair St. Germaine. Or, as I call him, The Germ. Frankly, I think The Germ has the hots for your mom. Why else would he cast her as the female lead? Let’s face it; your mom is a wonderful

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