Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer by Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea

Book: Jack Hammer by Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea
Tags: Romance, new adult
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to have a little fun. Come on, I promise not to be too much of a distraction for you.”
    His conniving grin made me feel sick to my stomach. I knew exactly what he was working toward. Josh and I weren’t all that different. I knew a panty chaser when I saw one, but it would be over my dead body if he touched her.
    My teeth grinded together. I feared I might crack my molars with the force of my jaw, but still, I stayed in my place and watched from afar as some asshole tried to steal my girl.
    She chewed on the inside of her lip, making me yearn to suck it and soothe where she nibbled. And then realization set it. She was actually considering going out with the piece of shit.
    She sighed sweetly and looked up at him when her decision was made.
    “One date.”
    Her words were a blow to my chest. I leaned over and gasped when the breath was knocked from my body.
    I wouldn’t allow it.
    Chelsey was not going out with him. It wasn’t going to happen. Ever.
    He grinned like he’d just won the fucking female lottery… and he had. Chelsey was the grand prize. My grand prize. Not his.
    “That’s all I’m asking for.” He leaned away from her and ran a single finger down her bare arm. I wanted to rip his finger from his hand. “I’ll get you the details later.”
    “Okay.” She blushed again, making me want to scream in annoyance.
    He slid from the table, tucked a piece of hair behind Chelsey’s ear, and then he was gone. I turned around, pressing into the bookcase again and dug the heels of my palms into my eyes.
    All I could think about was chasing after Josh and breaking every bone in his body, starting with his fingers. I know I didn’t have any claim on Chelsey, not technically, but I’d stupidly thought there was something good between us. It was obvious now that I was the only one who felt that way, and it pissed me the fuck off.
    I moved through the library quickly, knocking over books in my desperation to get the hell out of there—to get the hell away from Chelsey Ford and her sweet ways. I was done letting her mind fuck me. I thought I knew what I was doing when it came to her, but apparently not. I was fucking clueless, and I was fucking done .
    I DON’T KNOW WHAT POSSESSED ME to stay in school for the rest of the day, but it was a bad fucking mistake. I was a complete dick to anyone and everyone who mistakenly stepped in my path. Teacher or student, it didn’t matter who the hell they were, I was sure to let them know they picked the wrong damn day.
    When the final bell rang, I was out of the classroom before the halls even filled with students. I managed to get halfway toward the door before they began to spill out of the doors in a rush to get home.
    They were a herd of Khaki-covered sheep who did exactly what their rich mommy and daddies wanted them to do. I’d never been more proud to be black—tarnished by my bad neighborhood and the druggies that dealt around me. Fuck the sheep. Fuck every last one of them, including Chelsey Ford.
    I pushed and shoved my way through, in a rush to be away from anything that reminded me of her. I was almost to the door and free of the oppressive place called high school, when I felt her grab my sleeve
    I’d managed to avoid her the entire day, but of course she’d seek me out before I could escape. I expected her to find me earlier when I’d obviously blew her off during lunch, but instead she’d hugged her books tighter to her chest and turned away, cutting into my heart with that look of hurt on her face.
    “Blaine?” she asked for my attention, pulling on my arm.
    I tugged my arm roughly from her grasp and muttered my harsh words at her. “Leave me the fuck alone, Chelsey.”
    I left her standing on the other side of the school doors, stunned. I took the steps two at a time, forcing myself to ignore her, but then she was right on my heels.
    “What the hell is your problem?” she spat, stepping in front of me and forcing

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