It's In His Smile (A Red River Valley Novel Book 3)

It's In His Smile (A Red River Valley Novel Book 3) by Shelly Alexander

Book: It's In His Smile (A Red River Valley Novel Book 3) by Shelly Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Alexander
but smile at Bea’s motive. She’d always been willing to help any stray kid who came along, including him. And Miranda, too. He ran his thumb over the page where Bea had signed her name. His grandmother was one sharp cookie.
    “There’s one more thing.” Angelique waved to the paper in his hand. “Look at the last paragraph.”
    He did and didn’t like it one damned bit. “Why can’t I tell Miranda about the money or about what’s in Bea’s codicil?”
    Angelique’s sigh said she understood what a tough spot he was in. “Apparently, Miranda has a thing about not depending on men.”
    Already figured that out. Staying in control seemed to be her mission in life. “How am I supposed to get Miranda to accept my help without telling her my inheritance is tied to the opening of her inn?”
    “Bea felt sure you’d figure something out. She saw how you’re able to convince celebrities and wealthy business magnates into pouring millions into your charitable environmental projects. You can tell Miranda every detail after the inn opens. Not before.” Angelique pointed to the paper. “Your grandmother was very specific.”
    And the strings attached to the money were to keep him here. But for what purpose?
    Inhaling deep, he looked up at Angelique. “Guess I’ll be in town for a while.”
    Talmadge thanked Angelique, even though he wasn’t feeling too damn thankful at that moment, and left her office. He stepped out into the sunshine and breathed the crisp air into his lungs.
    What the hell had Bea been thinking?
    He walked around the building and into the alley to find some privacy while he called his second in command back in Washington. “Hey,” Talmadge said as soon as Larry Jameson answered. “I’ve run into a snag here. I’ll have to stay a little longer than I planned.”
    Tension flowed through the line. “How long? Our investors are antsy, and the subcontractors aren’t going to wait forever. They’re already mumbling about moving on to their next jobsites.”
    Talmadge kicked at a lump of dirty snow in the alley. “Any news from the tribal councils?”
    “Not yet, but they’re meeting in a few days. Rumors are flying up here that they’re going to want us to tear down the entire building site and restore the landscape around the ruins. You know what that means.”
    Hell yes, he knew what it meant. It meant he’d lose everything. Not only would it cost millions to raze the infrastructure of an entire town he’d already started laying, but it would take even more millions to start the eco-restoration process. And even then, it would be decades before the landscape would regain the natural vibrant flora and fauna.
    It meant an epic professional failure that would dismantle every effort he’d made in the world of green, sustainable architecture. It meant he’d let Bea down again. Even if she wasn’t around to see it, he’d still know the truth about himself. He always had.

    Fuming, Miranda traipsed down Main Street toward Lorenda Lawson’s real estate office after showering off the sawdust and changing into fresh clothes. She needed to vent to her BFF and figure out how to undo the damage caused by the Red River Rag and YouTube. A firestorm of gossip had probably burned through the entire county by now because of those pictures. Pictures of her and Talmadge posted on the Internet for the world to see. What people might think was going on in the pictures . . . And he’d broken her ladder!
    Well, she wouldn’t stand for any of it.
    She wouldn’t.
    No one in Red River would take her seriously as a business owner if she didn’t stop the rumor mill from churning. And Talmadge had to help stop it somehow. Except that his response to the pictures on the Red River Rag was to call her sweetheart.
    Her own brother had gotten the wrong impression and thought the pictures were racy. Of course, he also thought they were funny without fully understanding the implications to her reputation.

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