Italy to Die For

Italy to Die For by Loretta Giacoletto

Book: Italy to Die For by Loretta Giacoletto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loretta Giacoletto
Tags: Fiction, Mystery, Retail
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considered holy? I hadn’t been that tired, nor that sound a sleeper. I released the water into a swirl down the drain while using my hands to scoop the lemon slices into the plastic-lined wastebasket before wiping the tub clean. After slipping into the oversized pink t-shirt, white capris, and sandals bought earlier that day, I added a dash of mascara and lipstick to my face which had taken on a golden tan as had my arms, making a decent contrast against the pink top. My hair had frizzled up into damp natural curls. All in all, not bad for the family’s Plain Jane.
    Lorenzo was already sitting on the balcony but he stood up as soon as he saw me. Such manners, they compensated for his other drawbacks, whatever they were or might’ve been before … before what. Hmm, I’d almost forgotten. But not quite, about the nose … it was prominent and fit his face as well as those of most Italians, men or women. The general build, not impressive or disastrous but in no way did it conflict with his overall appearance. After pouring two cordials of Limoncello, he waited for me to sit before he did the same. He’d already arranged fruit and cheese on two small plates and passed one to me.
    “You look refreshed,” he said .
    “And you were looking at me in the bathtub.”
    “Only for a moment, Elena, I could not help myself.”
    He leaned o ver and kissed me, an unexpected but nevertheless welcomed move. He kissed me again, this time sending an even stronger signal of future possibilities. If only his phone hadn’t rung at that precise moment.
    After the second ring, I said, “You’d better get that. It might be important.”
    He sighed, flipped open the phone, and answered with a polite, “Buona sera, Zia.” He listened without comment, all the while nodding before handing the phone to me. “Your sister wishes to speak with you.”
    “My sister, I don’t understand.”
    “She just arrived at my villa in La Spezia.”
    Holding the phone to my ear, I walked inside and with lips clenched spoke a single word. “Margo?”
    “Thank god, you’re still there. After our talk yesterday, I thought, what the hell. I have tons of vacation time I haven’t used and will probably lose if I don’t. So, here I am in La Spezia. This villa is loaded with charm, what little I’ve seen of it.” Margo lowered her voice. “But I’m not so sure about the little old lady. I don’t think she likes me.”
    “She doesn’t have to like you but she will make sure you’re comfortable. Just stay put for the few days it takes me to finish sightseeing.”
    “No way, little sis ,” Margo said. “First thing tomorrow morning I’m driving our Fiat into the city and catching the next boat to Cinque Terre. We are going to have ourselves an absolute blast, don’t you think?”

    Chapter 16
    Getting Acquainted
    Whatever might’ve happened between Lorenzo and me that evening ended with his phone ringing a second time. Before he had a chance to answer it, I said a quick goodnight and hurried off to the safety of my bedroom, half-way hoping he’d come after me, at the same time afraid that he would. My dilemma turned into no dilemma when a few minutes later I heard him leave. I walked out on the balcony and watched him hurrying down the street. Not once did he look back to where I stood, my hand poised to wave if he waved first.
    As with every night of my so-called adult life I went to bed alone, wondering if the time would ever come for me to snuggle against a desirable man, to feel the warmth of his body, and experience lovemaking I’d only heard about from Margo, who never omitted a single detail. Not that I would’ve known otherwise. If only she hadn’t called earlier, interrupting what could’ve turned into my first venture into the other side. Granted, with Lorenzo who was … well, non-extraordinary which—who was I kidding—pretty much described me too. He didn’t fit into my idea of Mr. Right; but as a thoughtful

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