anything you can find about Jericho One and its flight systems. We will work on a method to transmit the data to us but in the meantime, gather as much as you can, and don’t worry if it does not seem relevant or important we want everything you find,” he said. His voice faded as the ISS passed over the horizon. Jack walked to the back and stood outside the bedroom door and spoke softly. “Are you okay?” He tried the handle and the door opened, “I’m sorry I wasn’t making fun of you,” he said guessing that was the problem. He’d had experience with this, his sister Marion though she was two years older than him, would have extreme reactions if she thought he was making fun of her. He sat down on the end of the bed and touched her ankle.
    “Hey, I said I’m sorry.”
    “It’s not you,” she said.
    “So what is it?” he said.
    “I’m afraid. I don’t want to go outside in space.”
    He thought about that for a moment and said.
    “Well you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
    At this she began to really cry sobbing into the pillow kicking her leg away from his touch. He figured out that he’d said the wrong thing but he was not sure why. “I don’t think you’re chicken or anything,” he said.
    He was trying to console her and desperately searching for the right thing to say but that definitely wasn’t it she pulled a pillow over her head.
    ”Just go, get out of here,” she sobbed.
    He got up off the bed and gently closed the door behind him. He was confused by her reaction but it was not making things any better by hanging around so he grabbed a flashlight and headed back to the hangar. It did not matter that there was no electricity in the hangar or the offices attached to it. In some ways he found it easier to be methodical searching in the dark with the narrow beam of the flashlight. It was less distracting. They had not seen any dogs or wildlife of any kind and it had been a long time since they’d seen any living people. He figured the Jericho Space venture people would be careful about keeping animals off the property especially the runway. He went into the main administration offices and found a computer. It was a Dell and it looked pretty old. He figured it would likely be networked with a main computer somewhere in the building but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to power up a network mainframe but he would have no problem booting up the Dell. He unplugged all the wires from the back and left them all except for the power chord. The RV had a good 110 volt power supply and there was the old folk’s desktop computer. It had a monitor and all the peripherals he would need to run the Dell. He hoped that this computer has some useful information for the crew on ISS to figure out Jericho’s flight systems.
    He looked around and found a cart in a hallway closet and put the computer on it and rolled it out of the office. The interior of the hangar was huge but with the lights out it felt like the walls were closing in on him. He was walking back to the RV when it struck him that a business like this must have a backup diesel power supply. Tomorrow he would search for it because he realized he would have to be mighty lucky to have picked the one computer in the whole place with the engineering data they needed. Gerry could help him with the mainframe. When he got back to the RV he heard the shower running and he took that to be good news. He was finishing plugging in the computer when Sara came out of the bathroom wearing a shiny looking bathrobe with Flamingos on it and a towel wrapped around her wet hair. The sight was completely female and it reminded him of his mom and sister; it was what they used to do and suddenly he missed his old life. She came over to him and put her hand on his back.
    ”I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be such a girl,” she said.
    He smiled and said, “It’s okay I know it’s hard for you. It’s hard for me too and anyway I like girls,” he said.

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