Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica
Preview:  Island of the Cavemen
Caveman Virgin Breeding Erotica
    Urgar shifted closer, and as she sensed his eagerness, her gaze darted down to his loincloth.  When he squatted, the brute's manhood hung exposed below the strip of fur.  Paige's eyes widened; she had always thought Ben's cock was big, but it couldn't compare to this caveman's monstrous member.  Hard, she was sure it would be big enough to use for a club.
    A chill ran up her spine, cold as the water she'd run through moments before.  What would happen if Urgar became aroused?
    Maybe you aren't hairy enough or big enough for him to find you attractive, Paige told herself, but Urgar's eyes drifted down to the swell of her breasts, the dark circles of her nipples starkly visible against the tight wet fabric.  The caveman grunted with admiration, and he cupped one in his big hand, giving it a good squeeze, rolling his thumb over her hard, aching nipple.
    Paige writhed, but she didn't pull away.  Who knew how Urgar might react if she fought him?  She hadn't seen any females in the hunting party that had happened upon their campground, but they must be somewhere.  It was hard to imagine a fearsome brute like Urgar begging for sex like Ben.  It seemed more likely that the cavemen simply took what they wanted from their women.
    Paige forced herself to meet Urgar's small black eyes, and in his gaze, she felt herself reaching back across millennia.  Her heart pounded in her chest, but not with the fear she expected.  She feared him, certainly, but what stirred in her heart was more primal.  Before the cavemen had chased a mammoth through the expedition's camp, she had been full of arousal, prepared to let Ben take her virginity.  Now she felt amped up, as if all the fear and excitement and sexual energy of the past hour had been magnified a hundredfold.
    Whatever caused it, she couldn't deny the intensity of her own arousal, but Paige tried to ignore the feeling or explain it away.  Better to surrender to this one than to be shared by all of them.
    Here behind the waterfall, she could at least pretend she had some control.  If Urgar hauled her back to his village or cave, she would be his forever, but if she could sate his primitive lusts, perhaps she could slip away later.
    Trembling with cold and fear and excitement, she peeled her wet shirt over her head and cast it aside.  It slapped against the cavern's stone floor with a wet smack.  Paige arched her back as gooseflesh rippled across her bare skin.  The firelight cast a warm glow on her pale curves, a sharp contrast to the deep cherry red of her swollen nipples.  Hard and tight, they ached with unspeakable want.
    Urgar growled his approval at the sight of her bare breasts, and Paige didn't flinch away when he brought both hands forward.  She gasped at the rough calluses of his fingers against her smooth skin, yet the texture sent a sharp tingle through her flesh.  When he bent his huge, shaggy head and put his mouth around the scarlet tip of one breast with an instinct older than history, she shuddered.
    Urgar didn't try to keep her in suspense with gentle teasing.  There was no delicate circling with the tip of his tongue.  He sealed his mouth against her skin, pressing the flat of his tongue against her hard nipple as he pulled at it like a babe giving suck.  Paige moaned and raked her fingers through his coarse hair as her head rolled back to rest on the smooth stone at the back of the cave.

Ben's hand slid into Paige's panties, his fingertips brushing through the coarse hair above her slit.  As he found the hot damp of her crotch, Paige tensed.  Her body wanted this, but she took his wrist in both hands and firmly pulled it out.
    "Come on, baby.  I need you so bad," he said, squeezing her naked breast to emphasize his desire.
    "Not tonight, Ben.  I'm not ready," she said, but the breathlessness in her words and the firmness of her nipple beneath his fingertips betrayed just

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