Island for Dreams

Island for Dreams by Katrina Britt

Book: Island for Dreams by Katrina Britt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katrina Britt
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down-to-earth command came as he released her, just as if nothing had happened, Nora thought resentfully. A kiss was nothing to him; he had merely been playing along with Aimée . As for herself, she knew he had taken something from her that would be his for always.
    On the way home, as they neared her flat, Juan asked ‘What about coming to us?’
    She replied, ‘No, thanks, but I’ve enjoyed myself.’ That way led madness! Then she saw the familiar smart figure of the man at the entrance to her flat. There was no time to ask what he was doing there; it was sufficient that he was there at a most convenient moment.
    ‘ Floyd !’ she cried, flinging herself at him. ‘ What a surprise! What on earth are you doing here? Why didn ’ t you tell me you were c oming?’
    Floyd Renner took her hands in his and looked down into her delighted face.
    ‘ I thought I ’ d come to see what you w ere doing. You look blooming. Been out for the day ?’
    His eyes roved over her tousled bright disarranged hair, the clear eyes , the red lips.
    ‘ I ’ ve been for a sail. Let me intro duce Juan... ’
    Her voice trailed off as she turned to where she had left Juan in the car. He had gone.
    ‘ Make yourself comfortable. ’ Nora in dicated the l ounge while she turned to her bedro om. ‘Help yourself to a drink in the cabinet while I change. ’
    Reall y, she thought irritably, Juan could have waited to be introduced!
    Floyd looked at her . Her golden floss-silky hair formed a light halo around her head and her dark brown eyes looked velvet-soft in the peach bloom tan of her face.
    ‘ I forgot how lovely you are, ’ he said slowly, ‘ and I mean that as a compliment. The air seems to suit you here—or is there another reason for this show of glowing health and beauty? ’
    She laughed and went to get him a drink. ‘ Why don ’ t you stay and find out? ’ she asked. ‘ And I don ’ t believe you ’ ve come out of curiosity. ’
    She gave him his drink and laughed down at him. ‘ Would you prefer to eat out? I ’ ve some cold chicken and salad in the fridge. I can rustle up a decent meal if you care to stay in. ’
    He took the drink. ‘ I have a room here at the adjoining hotel. I ’ ll go for a bottle of wine. ’
    ‘ Then while you ’ re out I ’ ll prepare the meal. ’
    Floyd sipped his drink and looked around the flat. ‘ Nice place, this, and all your own. Unbelievable! You do intend to come back, don ’ t you? ’
    She took his empty glass. ‘ What makes you think I won ’ t? ’
    He straightened and buttoned his jacket. ‘ The big car and the handsome chauffeur just now who brought you home to the flat. Was it that Jony fellow? ’
    ‘ No, it wasn ’ t—and he ’ s no chauffeur. That was a yachting cap he was wearing. ’
    ‘ Nice car, ’ he commented. ‘ I noticed it had a U.K. registration. He isn ’ t Manx, I presume? ’
    ‘ He ’ s visiting the island on business. You might meet him later, ’ she answered, and blessed her sudden rise in colour.
    ‘ I ’ ll fetch a bottle of wine, ’ he said dryly. ‘ I ’ ll probably bump into him if he ’ s in the habit of hanging around. ’
    ‘ He isn ’ t ,’ she replied, and he left on a shrug of non-committance.
    Nora began to get the meal with an uneasy feeling of trouble in the shape of cousin Floyd. He had come bringing problems and she had more than enough of her own to contend with.
    ‘ Business all right? ’ she asked as they ate the delectable meal.
    ‘ Excellent ,’ he replied, taking a piece of chicken breast and washing it down with wine. ‘ About the offices? The ones I wrote to you about. Have you thought it over about us moving? ’
    ‘ No, I haven ’ t—I ’ ve more important things on my mind at the moment. Do you realise that in order to inherit part of the vast income from Mr. Kelly ’ s estate I have to marry a Manxman? ’
    He looked remarkably unruffled. ‘ Well, why not? You can always make it a marriage of

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