
Irresistible by MacKenzie McKade

Book: Irresistible by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
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smiled. As if any woman wouldn’t love the attention of a gorgeous guy like Jack Halloran. He probably beat back hordes of adoring females on a daily basis.
    Relaxing, she planted a foot on the tub’s overflow vent. The loosening towel rubbed her sensitized flesh, and the warm, bubbly water caressed her bikini-trimmed mound.
    Mmm. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the bliss of her arousal. Her fingers yearned to move with the water’s flow, to touch, dip, stroke, indulge herself…just a little bit… please .
    What would be the harm? Jack wouldn’t know what she was doing, he couldn’t, unless she chose to tell him.
    A sensuous shiver raced through her. “And you’re a PI?” she asked, her voice sounding languorous in the steam-filled bathroom. “That’s how you dig up the real numbers?”
    “No. Your friend gave me yours as you were leaving.”
    “She did what?” Tess bolted upright in the tub. The towel slipped and jasmine-scented froth slopped out onto the bathmat.
    Chloe was about to become one very dead best fiend! No wonder she’d grinned the whole time she was here. She’d outwitted Tess at every turn.
    “You were ahead of her leaving the pub, so maybe you didn’t notice,” Jack said. “She said you experience temporary dyslexia when you drink and might have written down the wrong phone number by mistake.”
    “I don’t get temporary dyslexia!” Was there such a thing?
    “Then you admit you gave me the wrong number on purpose?”
    “I—” The towel drifted onto her lower legs. She kicked it partway off. She should drown herself. Here and now. Save herself the humiliation of dealing with the consequences of Chloe’s treachery.
    “Or was hitting on me the tequila talking?”
    Tess lifted a hand. “No. I wasn’t drunk, I promise.” Drinking and debauching wasn’t her style. That she’d hit on Jack while slightly buzzed was bad enough, but when she slept with him—uh, if—she intended to be stone-cold sober.
    Well, not cold, exactly. Probably extra warm.
    Ooh Godddd, she really was going nuts.
    The point was, when and if they ever did it, she wanted to be fully aware of every delicious moment.
    With a studmuffin like Jack Halloran at her disposal, she certainly wouldn’t risk dulling her senses with alcohol.
    “Just tipsy, then?” he persisted.
    “More like emboldened.”
    His hearty laugh caressed her ear. “Tess S., you amaze me.”
    Her nipples tingled. She slid back into the sudsy water, re-covering rebellious body parts.
    “Yes, emboldened,” she stated in her best authoritative-lawyer tone. “Take it or leave it. It’s my final offer.”
    “I’ll take it. When would you like to go out?”
    “Yeah, our date. You do recall asking for one?”
    “Yes, but…” Sinful heat danced in her veins. Here was her chance to prove Chloe wrong—for real this time. And what a perfect opportunity to quash her own doubts.
    She could have that carefree life she’d always envisioned. All she had to do was start by saying yes to Jack.
    She trailed her hand down her bubble-strewn thigh, and sensation arrowed between her legs.
    As a matter of fact, she could start right now. Considering the signals her insistent body kept sending her, it wouldn’t take much to rev herself up again. Treat herself to some titillating phone action—and go a little wild.
    She was safe with Jack. Somewhere deep inside herself, an illogical but steadfast seed blossomed. She felt safer with a man she’d met three days ago than she did with her platonic male friends. She felt incredibly safe…and a million kinds of naughty.
    She deserved this.
    Yes, she did.
    She deserved to take him with her.

He’ll put her on display, if that’s what it takes to keep her…
    Flaunt It
    © 2011 Natasha Moore
    When it comes to sexy and sassy, Piper, the most popular waitress at Ben’s bar, has it all going on. Now that they’re dating, though, Ben wishes she’d dial down the skimpy clothes and

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